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Q: 2 structures in sperm cell that are not found on animal cells?
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Is a sperm cell an animal or plant?

Sperm cells are animal cells.

Is a sperm cell a animal or plant cell?

Sperm cells are animal cells.

Which of these is NOT found in animal cells?

The following are found in plant cells and NOT in animal cells: -plasmodesmata -chloroplasts -large central vacuoles -cell wall -tonoplast The following are found in animal cells and NOT in plant cells: -lysosomes -centrioles -flagella (although some are found in plant sperm)

Is a mitochondria cell found on a plant or animal?

It is found in the sperm cell which means it an animal cell as us humans are animals.

Does human sperm contain cilia?

No, human sperm cells do not contain cilia. Cilia are small, hair-like structures that can be found on certain cells. However, sperm cells have a flagellum, which is a long tail-like structure that allows them to swim.

Where sperm cell are found?

sperm cells are found in the soil to fertilize the eggs

What cells contain flagella?

Flagella are commonly found in certain types of cells, such as sperm cells, some types of bacteria, and certain protists like Euglena. Flagella are long, whip-like structures that help these cells move through liquid environments.

What important structures are found inside the nucleus in a sperm?

chromosomes :)

What are the gonads in a perch?

The gonads of any male animal are the structures that produce the sperm.

What process does an animal undergo when the sperm and cells unite?


What are the animal male sex cells called?

sperm or spermatozoa

Where are cilia and flagella found?

Cilia are found on the surface of many animal cells, where they help with movement and sensory functions. Flagella are typically found on certain types of cells, such as sperm cells, and they help with cell movement.