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Q: 2 Why is it important to reserve a few appointments a day for emergencies?
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Why slavery was abolished.?

Answer 1Slavery has not been abolished, meaning ended. Most countries have made it illegal.In the 1800s, those areas with slavery (or the semblance of it) were becoming more and more liberal, in line with the changing of the world at the time. Because of the rise in education and political awareness as well as the growing realization that people of different color or ethnicity were just as human as anyone else - in several countries, this was also due to what was best said in the words of Alexander II of Russia, paraphrased as "we must abolish it from the top down before it removes itself from the bottom up".Thus, slavery was abolished in many areas. This was formalized in 1948 with Article 4 of the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and almost every country in the world has made slavery illegal in accordance with it.Answer 2Why a certain country abolished slavery depends entirely on the country in question. However, it was usually based on one or both of the following factors:(1) The country recognized slavery's moral incorrectness(2) The country faced economic or political consequences in the international community if it did not abolish slavery, especially when key trading partners or allies had already emancipated their slaves.

7 over 10 minus 3 over 15?

7/10 - 3/15 = 15/30 = 1/2Why?You need to find the LCD (least common denominator) which is 30. Look at the work below. You must keep in mind that whatever you do to the denominator, you must do to the numerator.7/ time 3 = 21/10 time 3 = 30- 3/ time 2 = 6/15 time 2 = -3021 - 6 = 15= 15/30 = 1/27/10 - 3/15 = ?Since 3/15 can be easily reduced to 1/5, we have:7/10 - 1/5 = ?Then, we find the LCD of 5 and 10, which is 10, by multiplying 2 to the numerator and denominator of 1/5:7/10 - 2/10 = 5/10 = 1/2.Another method includes using the basic fraction and finding the LCD:7/10 - 3/15 = ?The LCD (LCM) is 10/5 * 15/5 * 5 = 2 * 3 * 5 = 30. Thus, multiply 3 to the numerator and denominator in 7/10, and 2 to 3/15 in the same fashion.21/30 - 6/30 = 15/30 = 1/2.

Where in King Solomon's The Book of Songs does it mention they who cannot see and they who cannot hear?

Maybe this is what you are looking for?Psalm 1151Not to us, O Lord, not to usbut to your name be the glory,because of your love and faithfulness.2Why do the nations say,"Where is their God?"3Our God is in heaven;he does whatever pleases him.4But their idols are silver and gold,made by the hands of men.5They have mouths, but cannot speak,eyes, but they cannot see;6they have ears, but cannot hear,noses, but they cannot smell;7they have hands, but cannot feel,feet, but they cannot walk;nor can they utter a sound with their throats.8Those who make them will be like them,and so will all who trust in them.9O house of Israel, trust in the Lord-he is their help and shield.10O house of Aaron, trust in the Lord-he is their help and shield.11You who fear him, trust in the Lord-he is their help and shield.12The Lord remembers us and will bless us:He will bless the house of Israel,he will bless the house of Aaron,13he will bless those who fear the Lord-small and great alike.14May the Lord make you increase,both you and your children.15May you be blessed by the Lord,the Maker of heaven and earth.16The highest heavens belong to the Lord,but the earth he has given to man.17It is not the dead who praise the Lord,those who go down to silence;18it is we who extol the Lord,both now and forevermore.Praise the Lord.a

What is the difference between tradition and Scripture?

Put in simple terms tradition is an invention of man and is open to error whereas the Scripture is 'God breathed' and also preserved from error. Some traditions derived from Scripture may be useful especially if they are close to what the Bible prescribes. Unfortunately traditions tend to both and add to and detract from what God has said and to lose the original spirit and meaning of what God intended.Some elevate tradition over scripture, although the scripture itself is dead against this practice. Jesus had many 'run-ins' with the teachers of His day who were doing exactly that. Here is an example of one such dialogue, the principles of which still hold true today:1Then came to Jesus scribes and Pharisees, which were of Jerusalem, saying, 2Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. 3But he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?4For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.5But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me;6And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. 7Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, 8This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Why do Jews yarmulkes?

Answer 1The custom of wearing a kippah, or yarmulke, is very old, and its origins are lost to time, but today it is generally associated with the idea of reminding the wearer of God's eternal presence, and/or creating a slight separation between the wearer and God.Answer 2Why would someone dress formally in the presence of a king or queen. Look at pictures of the ceremonies at Buckingham Palace when the Queen is giving people honors: most people have top hats, formal suits etc.Jews believe that God is all around us. As a matter of honor, and to demonstrate that He is there, we wear a hat or a yarmulka/kappel/kippa (whatever the local terminology may be) to represent this fact.Answer 3It has become a custom in Judaism for men to wear a yarmulke. However it is a fairly recent custom, being only about 400 years old. The purpose is to remind the man that he is a servant of God. A secondary purpose is to identify him as a Jew. Just as the Muslim observes certain customs that are not commanded by the Koran, so the Jew observes certain customs that are not specifically commanded by the Judaic Scriptures. Unless it is specifically forbidden, a custom that honors God is permitted and this is one of them.Answer 4Answer 3, stating that the yarmulke is a recent custom, isn't actually true. The yarmulke is mentioned emphatically in the Talmud, 1800 years ago (Kallah 1:16).The only stated purpose (Talmud, Shabbat 156b) is to add awareness of God (not to "serve as a separation" as said in answer 1).The correct spelling is yarmulke, also called kippahs, and they are worn as a sort of reminder of god, who is a higher being "above us". In other words they are a "means to draw out one's inner sense of respect for god".

What is the point of living when you just die in the end?

Well this is a question that many people bring up. But to be honest it's less a case of what's the point and more of a "is it worth it?". The fact is that if you don't feel there is a point give it a time, maybe try abit harder. Taking your life away should never be an option think about the people that care about you before you do anything stupid. It is not about what is the point, it is about what you did. Make your life the best it can be and make yourself as happy as you can, no regrets and always live in the moment so when you do die you can look back and see that your life was worth living. Remember that one of the greatest feelings in life is helping other, so if you help others often your life was definitely worth living.

Why are people so gullible?

Answer 1There are different answers for this one. One reason is because so many people are such good liars that you don't know what to believe anymore. Another is that most people want instant gratification, and buy into the quick fixes for problems, and there too lazy to take the time anymore to do the right thing.The rat race keeps running faster, and soon we won't be able to tell the real rats from the human ones. People also do not do their research when making a big decision anymore like they used to. They now rely more on word of mouth than looking into it themselve.Answer 2Why do you hang around with gullible Americans? Is that your way of feeling important?Answer 3I can't speak for the younger generations. For MOST, though I admit not all, of us in the really "older" generations, I believe that that WE TRULY ARE gullible. I mean actually gullible, NOT JUST appearing so.As for the reasons why are we guillible, I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with VALUES, our deeply ingrained CORE values.Most of us "older Americans" grew up with parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles who had been taught, and knew, what was right and wrong, and cared enough about us to TEACH US things like: Honor and honesty, personal integrity, responsibility, pride in good character, courage of conviction, true courage, on and on. The list of good character traits is very long.As a result, which I know to be a fact in my own case, HONEST, DECENT PEOPLE, unfortunately EXPECT and ASSUME that EVERYONE with who they come into contact, will have and abide by the same values. As we all know, this just "ain't" true!Unfortunately, most of us are therefore trusting people, and this is what actually makes Americans gullible. Also unfortunately, the trend in our country is away from the teaching and learning of these CORE VALUES, and toward just the OPPOSITE. Of course, once a large majority has "switched over," I suspect the allegations of American guillibility will go away.In MOST of the other countries of the world, almost all of the people are not fortunate enough to had these VALUES TAUGHT to them over many generations, as we have.As a result, they trust NO ONE, and are skeptical of everything. That is why the question was asked specifically using the word "seem," indicating distrust, even implying that Americans are "faking" guillibility.Answer 4I agree with answer 3. If skepticism and cynicism prevail in America the world will be in trouble. To quote the title of William Benetts book, "America is the last great hope"Answer 5Each of the above has a great deal of merit. I think it is not so much that people in the US are gullible, although it certainly appears to be the case. I believe we are still hanging on to (and losing bit by bit) a national sense of what is right, and what is good. It is not that our (US) sense of these things is perfect and beyond reproach, but that we have tended in general to put our concepts of the right and the good at the forefront of our motivations rather than what is expedient. At the same time, we have been champions of a free market (which is good), and there is the inevitable hubris and blindness to the needs of others that often accompany it. So part of or apparent "gullibility" is the strongly conflicting motives and outcomes for many of our endeavors, and our need to somehow justify the outcomes. It's what sometimes leads us into believing the utterly unsubstantiated and destructive opinions that the US has some kind of 'duty' to protect or save everyone [those who don't like their own countries, for example] or has the duty to spread US-style representative democracy around the world.mainstream Americans relie on beliefs rather than on facts.They really lack "the critical thinking" that is more prevalent in Europe.that has probably something to do with the religious education.Answer 6because after only three years after bush, they are already believing the right wing fox news propaganda about Obama while they don't even do their research on their claims like the Obama birth certificate.. everytime Obama tries to pass a good bill like the disclose act or when he tried to end corporate tax cuts.. it was the republicans who blocked themand yet Americans take the right wing's word for it when they blame Obama for failing to pass a bill THEY blocked.also because you believe your right wing bias media at all.Americans need to do their research.look up what happened with "sun tv" aka "fox news north" in Canada.they tried to pass a law legally allowing them to mislead the public on a loophole.they didn't even create the station when we stopped that law from passing.obviously your media is corrupt, but every time I explain this to an American...they are incredibly rude and don't even care enough to look it up themselves.Americans are gullible by the most part.I'm sorry if that offends all of the smart Americansbut the truth is the truth.

Why is a Yarmulke worn?

Answer 1The custom of wearing a kippah, or yarmulke, is very old, and its origins are lost to time, but today it is generally associated with the idea of reminding the wearer of God's eternal presence, and/or creating a slight separation between the wearer and God.Answer 2Why would someone dress formally in the presence of a king or queen. Look at pictures of the ceremonies at Buckingham Palace when the Queen is giving people honors: most people have top hats, formal suits etc.Jews believe that God is all around us. As a matter of honor, and to demonstrate that He is there, we wear a hat or a yarmulka/kappel/kippa (whatever the local terminology may be) to represent this fact.Answer 3It has become a custom in Judaism for men to wear a yarmulke. However it is a fairly recent custom, being only about 400 years old. The purpose is to remind the man that he is a servant of God. A secondary purpose is to identify him as a Jew. Just as the Muslim observes certain customs that are not commanded by the Koran, so the Jew observes certain customs that are not specifically commanded by the Judaic Scriptures. Unless it is specifically forbidden, a custom that honors God is permitted and this is one of them.Answer 4Answer 3, stating that the yarmulke is a recent custom, isn't actually true. The yarmulke is mentioned emphatically in the Talmud, 1800 years ago (Kallah 1:16).The only stated purpose (Talmud, Shabbat 156b) is to add awareness of God (not to "serve as a separation" as said in answer 1).The correct spelling is yarmulke, also called kippahs, and they are worn as a sort of reminder of god, who is a higher being "above us". In other words they are a "means to draw out one's inner sense of respect for god".