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Q: 2 ways meiosis and mitosis are different?
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What are two differences between mitosis and meiosis?

1: Mitosis and Meiosis are the two ways by which cells reproduce.2: Mitosis and meiosis produce fresh new cells based on their parent cells' genes.

How can you compare mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis produces 2 genetically identical cells, while meiosis makes 4 genetically different cells.The end cells at mitosis are diploid (2N), while the end cells at meiosis are haploid (N).

Which has two divisios meiosis or mitosis?

MeiosisThey are meiosis 1 and meiosis 2. Produced nucleii are different than mother nucleus

How many cells do you end up with after mitosis and meiosis?

After mitosis you have two cells and after meiosis you have 4 cells.

How many rounds of division does meiosis involve versus mitosis?

meiosis involves 2 cell divisions while mitosis involves 1

What step of meiosis is mitosis most closely related to?

All steps of meiosis II are similar to the steps of Mitosis

What is the main difference between meiosis and mitosis?

mitosis involves 1 division while meiosis involves 2

What produces 2 identical cells?

A prison construction firm. That, or cellular mitosis.

What are 2 parts of meiosis that are similar to mitosis?

The part of meiosis that is similar to mitosis is inter-phase.

Does meiosis 2 resembles mitosis?

yes it does

How do meiosis and mitosis work together to form a new multicellular organism?

meiosis and mitosis do not work together because they replicate different types of cells. They are different because (1) the number of daughter cells produced after the end of the cycle (2) meiosis goes through 2 stages while mitosis goes through one and (3) they both reproduce different types of cells.

How does the number of chromosomes in metaphase of mitosis compare to the number of duplicated chromosomes in metaphase 2 of meiosis?

because in metaphase 2 of meiosis there are 2 different cells, which means the chromosomes duplicated