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Q: 3 Why is stomata commonly found on the under side part of the boat lily plant leaf?
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What is the stomata for?

Stomata is a tiny opening or pore, found mostly on the under-surface of a plant leaf. It is responsible for gaseous exchange between the leaves of plants and the environment.

Sentence for stomata?

Stomata is the tiny pore like holes under the eidermis (leaf) of a producer (a plant) it sucks in carbon dioxide to photo synthesize

What job does a stomato cell do?

Stomate? The only thing that comes to mind is the word STOMATA. IF that's what your talking about, a stomate must be ONE ...stomate....whereas stomata are a pair of stomates.. Assuming the above...Stomata are found on the undersurface(?) or maybe the top surface of leaves. For a visual, think of two parentheses...( ). If there is a DRY period the stomata CLOSE () to prevent the plant from losing water and open when the plant has to release water. Basically, the opening and closing to the TWO stomates, acting together, (stomata) regulates transpiration through the leaves of a plant. Hope that's what you were talking about. Open ( ) Closed

What is the small opening under a leaf called?


Where in plant does carbon dioxide enter?

Through pores in the green parts of plants (usually under leaves) called 'stomata'.

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Coal is most commonly found under the earth in coal mines.Coal is most commonly found under the earth in coal mines.coal is located mostly onder the plains

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copper is commonly found in mines, usually under an oil refinery or in a cave.

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Is elodea a plant fungus or plant?

It is a plant, found under the Plantae Kingdom.

How does carbon dixiode enter green leaves?

Carbon dioxide enter the leaves through the called stomata found under the leaves.

What are woodlices habitats?

Commonly found under rotting wood.

Why does stomata close under strong sunlight?

The stomata close during strong sunlight so they don't lose excess water. The stomata is how water is excreted from the cell.