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I don't know what you mean by derivatives...bechamel sauce can be used in so many ways, and also modified in so many ways.

I use to add grated parmesan to the besciamella I make to cover the salmon trout fillets that I cook in the oven.

You can add spinach and have a spinach cream as a dish side...add spices and so on...

Ana Maria da Costa

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10y ago

A derivative sauce is based on one of the five mother sauces and is made by adding stuff (for lack of a better description) to the mother sauce.

Easy example: Tomato sauce is one of the five mother sauces. But if you were to add onions, basil, garlic and a little olive oil to it, you'd have marinara sauce.

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14y ago

Bechamel is a white sauce. See the attached for a simple recipe.

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