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1) HTML was originally used for creating white papers passed from University to University to format the content not the page design. Unlike modern website design, the white papers where basic in design similar to an essay typed from a word processor.

2) The TABLE tag was originally used to display repetitive data such as a collection of names, addresses and phone numbers.

3) Modern web design technologies use semantic HTML to design, therefore a table tag should be used as it is meant to be.

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Q: 3 reason why HTML should be used for tabular data not for laying out a page?
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How do you create homepage or web page from event in table format using HTML?

Homepage can be created using HTML or various other languages. <table> can be used to create tabular format in HTML.

How do you give space in HTML?

Space can be given by a special command.   gives a tabular space in program.

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DHTML is an extension of HTML called Dynamic HTML which uses style sheets and JavaScript. This allows you to use small animations and Dynamic menus on your webpage.

What should be the first line of your HTML file?

The first line of your HTML file should start with <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC.... The first line of the actual HTML code begins with the <html> tag.

What is the different between table tag and div tag in HTML?

The table tag is used to create a table, which is a type of block-level element. The div tag is used to create a generic block element. The main difference is that tables are best-suited for tabular data, and divs are best-suited to presentation of non-tabular data.

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You can display data in Tabular format in a JSP page using the HTML <Table> Tag. You can even assign dynamic values to the table using JSP Scriptlets. <% %>

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There is no reason technically why you should be unable to do so unless the drive is faulty.

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Why are there different versions of HTML?

it think the versions are HTML 1.0 HTML 2.0 HTML 3.0 HTML 3.2 HTML 4.01 xhtml 1.0 and now HTML 5 The different versions are used to characterize changes in the HTML itself. With new features and new tags come new versions. In the modern web, (HTML 4+) the versions are also the basis for laying out standards that describe the function of the HTML and how the browsers are supposed to display it. For instance, prior to HTML 2.0, there were no images available in HTML. If you're interested, the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is in charge of keeping the current HTML and XHTML standards. You can find the specific changes in versions on their website.

Is it compulsory to write HTML tag in HTML file?

Yes. It tells the browser that it is a html page. A page should start and finish with a pair of html tags.

Where can one find a free tutorial on html tables?

There are numerous websites where you can find free information on HTML, HTML tables and HTML programming. Some examples are Tizag, HTML Code Tutorial, Quackit, HTML Tables, and HTML Goodies. That should be more than enough to get you started.

What should be the last command in any HTML document?

The last command in any HTML document is a closing HTML tag. Just before it is the closing BODY tag. </BODY> <HTML>