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Q: 3 types of writing for life in sumer?
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What are the 3 social classes of Sumer?

Aristocracy, working class, and slave.

3 sumerian inventions that made life easier for people?

Irrigation, the wheel, and writing.

How many types of writing are there?

There are so many too choose from.Such as journalism,feature writing,columnists,writing reviews,copy writing,author,screen writer,play wright and blogger.Like I said there are lots of different types of writing gigs and writers out there!

Why does Micheal morpurgo like writing books?

because he wanted rich fantasy life <3

What were the 3 social classes that divide the people in sumer?

the world may never know

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haploid, diploid, and alternation of generations

How might modern Chinese civilization be different if they had traded with people in Sumer?

its safe to assum that a chinese culture would have entered to historic age much sooner then it did in real life. in real life Chinese culture entered the historic age and left the pre-historic age about 700 BC. this was roughly the time when the greeks had Invented Hoplite warfare which was the mainstay of Greek warfare till about the year 300 BC. Had the chinese made trade contacts with Sumer then the chinese would have invented a written language sooner perhaps 3000 BC which was about 2300 years sooner then in real life. the Sumer culture had invented writing on clay tablets called cuniform. this was a big invention the chinese would have emulated. the people in Sumer used these Clay tabets as a form of money this was long before coins were invented in lydia about the 700 BC. these Clay tablets were relativly small about 2 by 3 inches across and usally incribeds with a couple of facts about transactions . it was this concept of pay the bearer of the tablet a sum of goods and services that made these tablets a form of money. regardless if Chinese culture would have been aloud to have tablet money invention by contact with Sumer chinese would have been 2300 years more advanced in writing styles and literacy concepts.

What are some of the types of insurance available from Barclays Insurance?

A number of insurance are available from Barclays Insurance. This includes: 5 types of home insurance, 3 types of travel insurance, car insurance, student possessions insurance, 3 types of student travel insurance, 3 types of life insurance and 2 types of health insurance.