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Dear young woman, it is possible that it will work. In some cases it works even up to one week later. Good Luck!

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Q: 4 Weeks pregnant and took cytotec 2 oral and 2 insertion for 3 sets in every 3 hours there was slight crumping and very light bleeding that was after 26 hours but no clots did the meds effect?
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Related questions

What the result of taking cytotec but not pregnant?

Same as when you are pregnant there will just not be any embryo or sac coming out. The cramping and uterus changing lining and bleeding will still be there.

Is it effective to take 2 tablets of cytotec and coca cola to avoid getting pregnant?

Neither Cytotec or Coke prevent pregnancy so no.

What if i am one month pregnant andmdrank four cytotec tablets and still not bleed am i still pregnant?


What are the chances of getting pregnant right after taking cytotec?

Right after you will bleed for 2-4 weeks and is not allowed to have sex. The test will show positive until the pregnancy hormones have settled which can take 2 months. After the bleeding your cycle will start all over again so then you can get pregnant.

How do you use cytotec for 5 weeks pregnant?

No. It is dangerous to take this tablet when 5 months pregnancy is there.

How many cytotec will take for 3 wks pregnant?

None before checking this out with your doctor or pharmacist.

You are having period cramps can you still be pregnant?

I took 8 cytotec in 2 days but bleed little now am spotting with cramps am I still pregnant

What are other abotion pills except sytotic?

Apart from Cytotec you have the actual abortion pill called Mifepristone that is taken in combination with Misoprostol. Misoprostol is like Cytotec and cause cramping and bleeding while Mifepristone ends the pregnancy as it kills the embryo. Both medications are given to you diorectly at the clinic. They are on prescription only and have better effect than Cytotec.

Is it possable to abort a pregnancy using cytotec and two weeks later take a pregnancy test and it reads pregnant?

Sometimes it can take hcg two weeks or more to get back to zero, so if you have hcg above 5, two weeks after cytotec, then you may get a positive hpt but not actually be pregnant.

Is it normal to have heavy bleeding after taking mifepristone?

After taking just Mifepristone or also Misoprostol/Cytotec? It is Misoprostol/Cytotec that makes you bleed. And the bleeding can be heavy for 5-6 hours and then you bleed less for 1-4 weeks. If you have this, see below, you should contact your doctor:heavy bleeding from and are soaking through more than 2 maxi pads/hour for 2 hours or more in a rowif you have clots for 2 hours or more that are larger than a lemon

How much is the original cytotec in mercury drugstore in pampanga?


Do cytotec has to be prescribed?

Yes, Cytotec requires a prescription in order to be obtained.