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After taking just Mifepristone or also Misoprostol/Cytotec? It is Misoprostol/Cytotec that makes you bleed. And the bleeding can be heavy for 5-6 hours and then you bleed less for 1-4 weeks. If you have this, see below, you should contact your doctor:

  • heavy bleeding from and are soaking through more than 2 maxi pads/hour for 2 hours or more in a row
  • if you have clots for 2 hours or more that are larger than a lemon
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Q: Is it normal to have heavy bleeding after taking mifepristone?
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If the bleeding wasn't heavy this should be normal, but anytime you bleed you should let your doctor know right away.

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No this is not normal See your ob/gyn. You may have fibroid issues. Heavy menstrual bleeding can often times be controlled by taking oral contraceptives

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Yes this does sometimes happen and is nothing to worry about unless you are bleeding excessively heavy to the point that you need to change your pad or tampon every 1 hour.

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It depends what kind of bleeding it is. If it is heavy and/or bright and/or painful, it is not normal. If this is the case it is important to go to the hospital straight away to get checked out. If it is light and quite dark coloured, then it is probably normal and nothing to worry about.

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This is happening to me right now... so far 7 days, but it is not lightening up. I missed 2 pills and re-started my period 6 days into my new pack. I am told that heavy bleeding could last up to two weeks.

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Sometimes - Yes. Particularly if you, by nature, have heavy bleeding either during menstruation or when you cut yourself. Heavy bleeding is also dependant upon the thickness of the hymen. The thicker it is, the more bleeding is usual. This is because thicker hymens generally contain more blood capillaries. The bleeding, although heavy, is rarely prolonged, is not dangerous and generally heals within 3-5 days. Bleeding should cease within 24 hours. Should bleeding continue after 2 days please consult a physician.