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It depends what kind of bleeding it is. If it is heavy and/or bright and/or painful, it is not normal. If this is the case it is important to go to the hospital straight away to get checked out. If it is light and quite dark coloured, then it is probably normal and nothing to worry about.

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Q: Is Bleeding at 15 weeks pregnant normal?
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Is it normal to have mucus discharge with some old blood visible at 15 weeks pregnant?

I am 15 weeks pregnant and from 10 weeks until about 13 weeks i bled quite heavily and it turned out to be a clot but baby is fine so dont worry too much. Always get checked out with any sort of bleeding or pain though. All the best and good luck with your pregnancy!!

What if your heart rate is 81beats per minute is it normal for 15 weeks pregnant women?

yes that's normal

I am 15 weeks pregnant and getting period pains is this normal?

Yes, but if they get really bad go and see your doctor or midwife

If not bleeding can she still get pregnant?

Usually no period indicates pregnancy. The time at which a woman is most likely to get pregnant is several days after she stops Menstruating (bleeding) in a woman with a 28 day menstrual cycle she is most likely to get pregnant on days 11 to 15 inclusive after the day she started bleeding. that means that on average she has stopped bleeding several days before she reaches her fertile stage. When a woman is bleeding she can not get pregnant assuming that the bleeding is a normal menstruation. If a woman becomes pregnant normally she will stop having any sort of menstruation.

If you are 17 weeks pregnant how big is the baby?

I am currently 15 weeks pregnant and I've gotten estimates for baby size at 17 weeks anywhere from 3.5 oz. to 9 oz. It really depends on the baby and the mother and the pregnancy itself. The baby at this point it rapidly growing and will double in size from 15 weeks to 17 weeks, so the range that is considered "normal" is rather large.

If it is August 15 and im 20 weeks pregnant when did i get pregnant?

quite simple count back 20 weeks

If your due date is March 15 2010 when did you get pregnant?

Based on a normal gestation period of 40 weeks the conception date was June 22nd 2009

How many months are you if you are 15 weeks pregnant?

3 months 3 weeks.

How many months pregnant are you at 15 weeks?

If you are 15 weeks pregnant, you are on your 3rd month and 3 weeks.

You are 15 weeks pregnant with identical twins and you were wondering what your chances are of losing one or both of them and their heart beats are 147 and 141 are these strong and normal heartbeats?

Anything between 120-160 is considered normal.

Is it normal to start to show when your 6 weeks gone?

No, at six weeks the uterus is only about the size of a walnut and it not yet large enpugh to comeout of the pelvis. Most women are visibly pregnant naked from about 14-15 weeks and a couple of weeks after that they look pregnant clothed. No, but you may be bloated from your intestines slowing way down and you may have put on some water weight.

You have been spotting for 15 days off and on you had a miscarriage at 3 weeks back in nov05 im really scared you called your doctor and they told you it was normal but im still scared plese answer?

Do you know you are pregnant now, have you had a positive test? Aslong as it is just spotting you are probably ok. This is what doctors are for, to tell you what is happening. You cannot miscarry at 3 weeks as you would not even know you are pregnant. If you miscarried 3 weeks after conception that is 5 weeks pregnant not 3 weeks.