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Do you know you are pregnant now, have you had a positive test? Aslong as it is just spotting you are probably ok. This is what doctors are for, to tell you what is happening. You cannot miscarry at 3 weeks as you would not even know you are pregnant. If you miscarried 3 weeks after conception that is 5 weeks pregnant not 3 weeks.

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Q: You have been spotting for 15 days off and on you had a miscarriage at 3 weeks back in nov05 im really scared you called your doctor and they told you it was normal but im still scared plese answer?
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Is spotting heavier in morning normal when pregnant?

It may be .. but it also be a sign of a miscarriage

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Call your doctor...sounds like a miscarriage is afoot.

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spotting during 7 weeks is normal but it shouldn't be with foul ordor. consult your obgyn/doctor to check for infections. 7 weeks is important not to have any serious infectons that could cause miscarriage.

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It may not be. That was my only symptom and I was having a miscarriage. It can be a very small amount and still be a sign of miscarriage. You should tell your doctor so they can check on the status of the pregnancy.

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I was almost 2 months pregnant and had cramps the whole time, i asked my doctor and all my friends who have been pregnant if it was normal to experience cramping and they all said yes. I started spotting and had my first miscarriage. I would go make sure everything is okay.

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This isn't uncommon. I have known people to have there period throughout their whole pregnancy. But, you should consult a doctor if your concerned

Is it normal to have spotting during 5 weeks of pregnancy for almost a week?

No its a sign of early miscarriage get checked sweetie

Is there any way to tell the difference between normal spotting during pregnancy and bleeding due to a miscarriage?

Not really. If you are bleeding, you should see a doctor. It could be nothing and it could be serious. Most likely with a miscarriage you will have pain in your stomach and the blood will be chunky, but not always. I'd see a doctor if I were bleeding any amount at all, with or without pain.

Is it normal to have cramps and light spotting and still be pregnant?

It's not normal, but can happen. See your doctor.

Can you spot and still be pregnant?

Yes, you can be spotting and be pregnant. It is called implantation bleeding. It usually occurs about 8-9 days after ovulation, which is around the time of your period. Take a pregnancy test and good luck! *** The guy above refers to the process of implantation. If you definitively know that you are pregnant, then spotting when you know that you are pregnant is also normal. As the cell mass grows, then it can break tiny blood vessels and cause spotting. However, if the spotting intensifies and is accompanied by cramping, get it checked out as these are the precursors to miscarriage.

Is it normal to have cramps after a miscarriage?

Cramps are contractions of the uterus. They can be a normal part of a spontanious or induced miscarriage. However, it is important to have follow up doctor care after a miscarriage to make sure all the tissue is expelled.

I'm 14 weeks pregnant and just started spotting with brown blood mild cramps and back pain.What is going on?

This is not normal and you should contact your doctor ASAP.