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Because the blood coming through the portal vein cannot pass through the liver, it takes bypass routes (distended veins called varices) which happen to lie in the esophagus and stomach, where they may be eroded by stomach acid or swallowing abrasive stuff and bleed. Often such is bleed is catastrophic because their blood also clots less well, because the liver is in too bad a condition to make enough clotting factors.

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Q: 4 Why are patients with cirrhosis of the liver prone to developing upper gastrointestinal bleeding?
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Related questions

How is cirrhosis linked to portal vein bypass?

Massive internal bleeding caused by portal hypertension occurs in about 40% of patients with cirrhosis. It is initially fatal in at least half of these patients. Portal vein performed on these surviving patients to control bleeding.

How many hepatoma patients also have cirrhosis?

Between 30% and 70% of hepatoma patients also have cirrhosis.

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Fifty percent of patients with cirrhosis will develop ascites over a period of 10 years.

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Patients with RA have a shorter life span, averaging a decrease of three to seven years of life. Patients sometimes die when very severe disease, infection, and gastrointestinal bleeding occur.

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These kind of patients need parenteral nutrition:Patient in a coma with pre-existing malnutritionPreterm infants and children who are not fit for enteral nutritionPatients with a systemic inflammatory response after a major traumaPatients with a compromised gastrointestinal tract such as those with a gastrointestinal diseasePatients who are transiting to enteral nutrition

Where can bleeding occur in liver cancer patients?

In liver cancer patients, bleeding can occur in different locations, posing various challenges. The primary sites of concern are: Within the Liver Tumor: Bleeding can occur within the liver tumors themselves. Liver cancer often involves the development of tumors that can be fragile and prone to bleeding. Gastrointestinal Tract: Bleeding may extend into the gastrointestinal tract. This can result in symptoms such as bloody stools or vomiting of blood. The proximity of the liver to the digestive system makes this a potential site for bleeding complications. Portal Hypertension: Liver cancer can lead to portal hypertension, an increase in blood pressure within the portal vein. This condition may cause varices, enlarged and swollen veins in the digestive tract, which can rupture and lead to bleeding. Impaired Blood Clotting: Liver cancer can affect the liver's ability to produce clotting factors, leading to impaired blood clotting. This can result in an increased risk of bleeding both within the liver and in other parts of the body.

What sort of Doctor is a specialist for treating a liver patient?

Many doctors deal with patients who have cirrhosis, mainly depending on what the cause of the cirrhosis was. But there is a specialty who deals with the liver, a hepatologist.

What is the prognosis for patients with HBV and HDV?

A large majority of patients with coinfection of HBV and HDV recover from an episode of acute hepatitis. However, about two-thirds of patients chronically infected by HDV go on to develop cirrhosis of the liver.

What are the nursing responsibilities of carbocisteine?

1. Assess the patient for any history of hypersensitivity or allergy to Carbocisteine. 2. Special precautions: GI bleeding, pregnancy 3. Special precaution: history of gastric or duodenal ulcer & GI bleeding. Pregnancy & lactation. 4. Use with caution in patients with a history of gastric or duodenal ulcer and gastrointestinal bleeding since mucolytics may disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier.

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Who is most likely to develop primary biliary cirrhosis?

Ninety percent of patients with this disease are women between the ages of 35 and 60.

Is Aspirin compatible with AIDS?

Aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding in these patients