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When children show signs of illnesses beyond the common cold, it is easy for parents to start worrying. There are several childhood illnesses that signs and symptoms are tied to. Parents should know about these illnesses and what to look for.


This respiratory virus is very common in children. By the time they are two years of age, children will be exposed to it. Symptoms include fever, cough and runny nose. When babies contract RSV, they often develop bronchitis or pneumonia. In such cases, wheezing accompanies the flu-like symptoms. Less than two percent of children are hospitalized for RSV, and it usually lasts between one and two weeks. If children have these symptoms, see the doctor immediately.


Although this illness may seem like one from decades long ago, it still occurs in today's world. Symptoms may mimic a regular cough. However, children who have croup usually have a distinct barking cough, which is similar to the sound baby seals make. It is usually seen in children under the age of six, but kids under the age of two are the most common victims. Seek medical help immediately. Although it is rarely fatal, about five percent of children must be hospitalized.


Kids who are between the ages of two and six are most likely to develop this bacterial skin infection. Impetigo manifests itself in the form of crusty sores or small itchy bumps that secrete clear fluid. By scratching the bumps or touching the fluid, children can spread the infection to other parts of their bodies. It is also very contagious to other kids and even adults, so seek medical help immediately. The infection clears up with antibiotics and proper monitoring.

Reye's Syndrome

This illness may appear when children with viral illnesses are given aspirin. Some of the effects of Reye's Syndrome are brain swelling, major behavior changes and liver problems. If they develop this syndrome, children may have seizures or go into a coma. Unfortunately, about 30 percent of cases end in death. The cause is still unknown, but aspirin has a positive link.

When kids show signs of illness or complain of any symptoms, the best action plan is to call a doctor. Getting prompt medical help is the key to preventing the negative effects of childhood illnesses.

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