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I don't know how long ago this was posted but I had this happen at the end of 2011 - I wen to the endodontist for a lower root canal on a molar. Woke up the next day with bruising from my chin back - freaked out, called the endo and he looked at it and said that he must have "nicked" a blood vessel during anesthesia. It took a full two weeks for my bruising to go away. He also said my case was only the 2nd time he'd had that happen to a patient, which makes me think it was a total screw up on his part (my root canal proceeded to take, not 1, 2, 3, but four visits, so it was a cluster all around). I was told unfortunately that nothing would make the bruising go away sooner - but I'd definitely check with your endo to be sure it's the same circumstance as mine. Feel better and good luck!

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If after 7 days the bruise is still growing or has not started to fade, then seek medial advice.

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You cannot erase a bruise. A hickey is a bruise. You'll just have to wait until it heals on its own in a few days or weeks.

Is it good to massage a bruise on the face?

No, it is much better to just leave the bruise alone. You can ice it for the first few days, then use moist heat, such as a warm washcloth. The body is very efficient about healing any bruise.

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A child usually calls bruises or cuts a "boo boo". A bruise is fairly insignificant on a child, unless on the face or head. A bruise naturally disappears over 7-10 days, generally.

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Is called a bruise?

A bruise is a contusion. This medical word sounds, and the bruise itself often looks, much more serious than it actually is. A bruise or contusion occurs when small superficial blood vessels are injured, allowing blood to seep into surrounding tissues. If there is no underlying injury, such as a fracture, superficial bruises heal within 7-10 days. If there is trauma or fracture, bruising can linger for weeks to months.