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this is related to the procedure in finding a suspicious package / item.

Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Call (the police), Compile (your report).

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Q: 5 Cs- confirm clear cordon
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What are the 5 Cs?

confirm, clear, cordon, check, control

What are the 5-Cs?

confirm, clear, cordon, check, control

Which of the following are the 5 Cs?

confirm, clear, cordon, check, control

What are the 5 cs to ied?

Confirm, clear, call, cordon, control.

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Confirm, clear, check, cordon, and control.

What are the 5-Cs when reacting to an IED?

The 5-Cs when reacting to an IED are Confirm, Clear, Cordon, Check, and Control. Confirm involves verifying the presence of the IED. Clear refers to safely removing people from the area. Cordon involves establishing a safe perimeter. Check pertains to searching for additional threats. Control involves coordinating with emergency services and maintaining communication.

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confirm, cordon, clear, control,

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Confirm, clear, check, cordon, and control.

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C- Confirm it is an IED C- Clear the area (about 300 meters) C- Cordon off the area C- Call up the UXO report C- Control traffic from entering the area (both vehicle and pedestrian)

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What are the 5 Cs of IED?

C- Confirm it is an IED C- Clear the area (about 300 meters) C- Cordon off the area C- Call up the UXO report C- Control traffic from entering the area (both vehicle and pedestrian)