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Q: 6. What is causing a growth in global warming emissions?
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How does industrial growth affect the biosphere?

The rise of CO2 in the atmosphere, caused by industrial growth , along with other compounds is causing the mean temperature of the Earth to rise. It is thought by many that this pollution of the biosphere is leading to global warming.

What problems arise due to rapid population growth?

globalisation, global warming.

Is global warming happened before on earth?

Yes, Planet Earth has undergone several natural fluctuations in terms of global mean temperature (warming and cooling) over the past millions of years. BUT never before has the Earth shown a variation in temperature as seen in the past few decades. Human driven emissions coupled with our exponential growth are the driving forces for this unnatural change of our global temperature.

A. burning fossil fuels b. deforestation c. respiration d. population growth Which of them is not a man-made cause of global warming?

Respiration is part of the carbon cycle and does not affect global warming.

What are some environmental reasons for using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels?

Lowers carbon emissions, reduces global warming, increases new eco jobs in the industries creating new technologies, thereby increasing growth.

What are some of the effects population growth can have on the environment?

Global warming, Deforestation and Decreasing Biodiversity,etc.

How might rainfall effected by global warming and why?

-More rain, followed by longer and drier droughts, which will challenge the growth of crops.

What envirommental problems have resulted from economic growth?

Air pollution, Acid rain, Global Warming, the weakening of Ozone layer day by day have resulted from economic growth.

How has man's activitives added to global warming?

Through the growth {and management} of Livestock [only]: Our contributions to Greenhouse Gas Emissions are as follows: Carbon dioxide = 8.7 %; Methane = 37.3 %; Nitrous oxide = 64.7 %: averaged overall = 17.8 % of our contribution to G. G. E.s are due to the production of livestock.

How does population growth impact global warming?

it impact by the pollution that is burning cars buses may affect population and they might die ..

When is global warming ever going to stop?

No one can say for sure, because the earth goes through temperature cycles, varying in duration. The science of this is still unsettled, and with the drastic growth of ice in Antarctica throws more doubt on the theory of Global Warming.

How is global warming affecting the future of the emperor penguin in Antarctica?

Global warming is slowing the growth of krill, the basic element of the Antarctic food chain. Fish feed on krill and the Emperor Penguin eats fish and krill. The future of all penguins is uncertain.