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Q: 6 How do your muscles convert chemical energy into kinetic energy?
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What type of energy transformations does muscles perform?

It is chemical to kinetic energy.

What type of energy transformation performs muscles?

It is chemical to kinetic energy.

Muscles in your body transform chemical energy into?

Muscles in your body convert chemical energy into fat and heat.

What does your body convert chemical energy to?

the smooth muscles in the small intestine take the energy and nutrients from the chemical energy to the liver where they are taken to the whole body, the other compounds not obtained by food are made in the human body

What does kinetic energy mean in science?

Kinetic energy is energy of movement. If an object moves it has kinetic energy. For instance, when you walk chemical energy in your food is converted to kinetic energy in your muscles.

Describe the conversions between potential and kinetic energy that occur when you jump on a trampoline?

The energy for muscle contractions ultimately comes from chemical reactions in the body that convert stored chemical potential energy into kinetic energy of the muscles, and subsequently of the jump. However, not all of that chemical energy is successfully converted into kinetic energy. Some is dissipated as heat, and a significant amount is lost into the ground.

What type of energy is created by muscle activity?

Kinetic energy is produced. The energy your muscles use is chemical energy, which is gotten by food. The muscles do an action, therefore giving off kinetic energy.

What energy does your body energy convert?

Your body could could convert chemical energy into potential, kinetic, or mechanical energy.

Means of transport which changes chemical energy into kinetic energy?

Many engines do this conversion. For example, the engines commonly found in cars convert the chemical energy first to heat (by burning it), then convert part of this heat into movement (kinetic energy).

What device would convert chemical energy to kinetic energy?

Wet cell battery and a motor.

What are some known energy conversion devices?

Photo voltaic cells (solar cells) convert light energy into electrical energy. Electric generators convert kinetic energy into electrical energy. Internal combustion engines convert chemical energy into kinetic energy.

When energy conversions when ride a bicycle up and down the hill?

chemical energy from food the rider has eaten gets turne into kinetic energy as the bike is moving. Then into potential energy as the bike heads uphill. As the bike heads down potential energy turns into kinetic energy.