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brakes may be wearing down

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Q: 91 Chevy Pu FWD brakes hard but will not stop you likt it shouild?
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It really just depends on who the person is that you gave the letter to, they may like it, but they may not.

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only one because if you consume more then ine you die likt a bith you are.

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Depending on your age and relationship it can simply mean that he would likt share a treat with you. He obviously wnats to get to know you.

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een dikke fatsige batsige en lelijke zeester die alleen maar zijn aars likt en soms dat ook bij andere doet. je hebt ook een fatsige krab die denkt dat ie lauw is met zijn geld. maar hij komt er aan door andere te likken.

Why did they chose Miley Cyrus to play the role of Hannah Montana?

'Cos she suits the role perfectly. Haters, wtv you wanna say you know it's true. She's really down-to-earth, funny, not afraid of acting like a clumsy unlady-like girl on Hannah Montana. Admit it that you've laughed even a little watching Hannah Montana. It's hard not to not like her in Hannah Montana. Her in reality is a different thing, since we're talking about Hannah Montana here. Sorry if you're a hater.

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He felt for native Americans it is likt the song 'black or White'.

How do biology affect human life?

Biolgy affects a persons life due to the lack of abilty some students may have and also with boiology you may have to read and some people dont likt to read or may be too old to even think about realding.biolgy may be good in school to learn about but different teachers teach different parts of biology that some students may not understand so there for it may be confusing.Dont get me wrong..biology may be a good subjest and all may aalso be confusing and will cause most students not to like it but u need it in your life and somepeople might not take what they need so there for it will harm there life time.

How do animals disguise themselves?

Animals disguise themselves by using camoflauge which is like a Tiger for example. His striped orange and black fur lets him blend in with his surroundings so his prey can not see him. Same thing with other animals like Chameleons and Octopuses. Another way of animal disguises is imitation. Animals came imitate things like other animals and plants. Likt the leaf bug. The leaf bug's whole body looks like a big, green, moving leaf. It lets him blend in. That is how animals disguise themselves.

What does it feel likt to get kicked in the testicles?

Its extremely painful, its doesn't have similar pain which I can make imagine it LOL but after getting hit in testicles you get a lot of pain in your testicles, stomach, knees and you'll breath hard I asked my mum, who's a nurse, and she told me this: When a guy gets hit, the initial pain is a stab of agony similar to a dentist drilling into a tooth root without anaesthetic, and this then gradually subsides to become a strong, dull ache, just like bad toothache. This stab of pain also has the effect of violently contracting the stomach muscles. This forces the body to double over, thus protecting the glands from further damage. The contraction of these muscles also puts pressure on the stomach itself, causing the feeling of, and often actual, nausea. Also, this prevents the diaphragm drawing air into the lungs, making him temporarily unable to breathe. In the event of the agony being prolonged, for example if the testicles are being squeezed, this inability to breathe will cause the guy to lose consciousness. All of which makes me rather glad to be a girl LOL!

Why is bullying not cool?

No, it's not cool! Hurting other people for your own personal gain, just to let out frustration or just because you can is not cool at all. It will make you look an idiot when people find out it was you. You would be an idiot to do it in the first place.

Describe natural gas piped through a pipeline to customers?

Think of a straw you suck soda pop through. Now, think of blowing (not sucking) the soda (natural gas) through the straw. The straw is attached to thousands of straws that "y" and "t" or "elbow" to take the gas in differant directions, to Towns, Brick Plants, Steel Plants, Cities, Towns, ect. Normally this first stage area is at a high pressure, 60 psig upwards to over 1000 psig. Along these "straws" there is equipment to maintain the pressure at a safe transporting level, or the are regulators that cut the line pressure down. These pressure cuts happen a number of times to get it to be delivered to your house at around 4 oz. (you could put your thumb over the end of a 4 oz line and have no problem holding it back. If it was at 20 psi, a young strong person my hold it back for a few mins, then let go. No lets take that up to the FAR END of the system. If you TRIED to hold back a 100, 500, 1000, 5000 psg line, one issue is over 250 psig it sounds like a roaring jet engin. I doubt anyone could take a steel plate and hold it up against a jet as it's burners are coming online. THAT is a small glimps to what a pipeline is like. One end, no man can hold back its power, on the other end, grandma can controll it just like her control over you when she says apple pie is ready, YOU RUN TO THE PIE! I have heard 250 PSIG and 320 PSIG scream. It'd likt standing next to a big jet as it's taking off.

What happens when you kiss?

When you kiss, there is an exchange of saliva and microorganisms which can help boost the immune system. Kissing also releases feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine, promoting feelings of bonding, intimacy, and pleasure with your partner. Additionally, kissing can increase heart rate and blood flow, leading to a sense of relaxation and stress relief.