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hopefully you mean .05 which is less than the legal limit, and therefore makes you not drunk in a legal sense. 0.5 is often the point of death though people have been known to survive up into the 0.7 range

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Q: A 05 alcohol level can cause what?
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What is the blood alcohol level cause you to get a DWI in Arkansas?

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What is blood alcohol in forensics science?

blood alcohol level is the percent of alcohol in the blood at any given time. i would imagine in forensic science could use this to determine maybe a cause of death. For example if someone is killed by a drunk driver including the driver. forensics could determine the cause of the accident was drunk driving related. They would take a sample of blood and determine there was a percentage of alcohol in it (blood alcohol level). If the level was high enough they could determine that it was the cause of the accident, or somehow related.

Eating food or drinking coffee will cause alcohol to leave your body faster?

No, only time will reduce the level of alcohol in a person's body.

How much alcohol does it take to cause death?

It varies with individuals. Generally, a blood alcohol level of 0.6% or greater is considered to be potentially fatal.

In most states the legal limit for blood alcohol level for the driver of a car is?

Depending on the state, it can be as low as .05, or as high as .08 to .1

Define tolerance of alcohol?

Tolerance refers to the blood alcohol level necessary to cause impairment of mental and physical function. As alcoholism develops, the ability to tolerate alcohol also increases.

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What does it mean if your blood alcohol level is 167?

A BAC of .167 is twice as high as a maximum legal .08 and three times as high as a maximum legal level of .05. In short, it is very high.

What alcohol level is lethal?

2.8 blood alcohol level in a female

Can an Iron Deficient anemia make you blow a higher Blood alcohol level?

No your blood alcohol content (bac) is determined by home much alcohol is in you system. How ever anemia can cause you to feel more intoxicated.

What would cause level 5 of HVAC to not work when 1-4 work fine on '05 Envoy?

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