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if he ended it AND he already is talking to other ppl then you shold do the same... not to get back at him but just so u could feel better and not feel lonely.....(not saying u r)

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Q: A 6month reletionship with your ex boyfriend ended and after one week hes flirting with other girls he has said to a muatal friend that he hasnt found anyone 'yet' so is there any chance for making up?
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Dreams are about the dreamer. So this dream suggests that the dreamer would enjoy knowing the "enemy" was hurt by the flirting. The dream provides no information about the boyfriend or anyone else other than the dreamer.

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Dump your boyfriend first, if he treats you like crap then he's really not worth it. Then you can start flirting with this new guy or anyone you like. Try not to go back to the original boyfriend as tempting as it seems.

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You cant expect your boyfriend not to be flirted to by anyone. Make sure it doesn't get too serious and if it does tell her to back off and speak to your boyfriend about and if he loves you he'll understand and won't get angry.I hope this helps :)

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just tell your boyfriend that you weren't flirting with another boy because you don't want anyone besides him and if he doesn't believe you then he's not worth your time but that's if you were never flirting with another boy if you were then you seem like you would have more fun single cuz you can flirt with guys and not have your heart broken at the same time..good luck!

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ummm....if she's chasing him around and flirting..well start planning revenge. BUT DO IT IN SECRET! dont let anyone know that you are plotting against her.

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yas anoyne can get a boyfriend if the just try

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well i would think it is, but it may be harmful flirting

What is flirting?

flirting is when you try to impress a girl. for example make her laugh or act tough. now people use flirting to try to get a girlfriend. its a risky business but when you do it right its WORTH IT. Note: Flirting can be done by anyone, and isn't just used to impress a girl. Flirting can have different effects on anyone, and someone may be turned off or annoyed by a flirting tactic you may use. Flirting is used when you want to show someone that you're interested in them. Flirting can be complimenting someone or joking with them. It's a good idea to make the person you're flirting with feel good about themselves, and to make them comfortable around you. If you flirt well, people may want to get to know you better, and since flirting is normally used by people who want a relationship... It's good to know how to flirt.

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If you have a boyfriend why would you go out with anyone in the first place??

Can anyone give you some new flirting lines?

Check out the How to Flirt link in the related links below.

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