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The rows on the Periodic Table are called "periods" and the increasing atomic number across a period represents additions to the electron orbitals, which cause the properties manifested by individual elements (elements of the same group, or column, have similar properties).

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Column's called "groups" tell you the elements have similar properties, for example the first column (the alkaline metals going down the column) means the metals are increasingly more reactive, the rows are called periods.

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Q: A Row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictability?
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What happens to the properties of elements across any periodic of the table?

Across any period, the properties of elements gradually change. This gradual change is called a periodic trend.

Row of elements whose properties change gradually?

Period in the periodic table.

Does a period contain elements that are similar?

no. A period is a row of elements in the periodic table whose properties change gradually and predictably.

Does A Period Table Contain Elements That Have Similar Properties?

The Periodic table is a representation of all elements grouped in a manner that lists elements with similar properties in columns. Adjacent columns have deceasing or increasing characteristics

What is the document in which elements are organized by their properties called?

The Periodic Table of the Elements, sometimes called just the Periodic Table, is the document in which elements are organized by their properties. It was created in 1869.

Are the elements of the periodic table arranged by their properties?

Elements are arranged by their atomic number. The properties are periodic when arranged in this manner.

What is pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table called?

The answer to, ' when repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements' atomic numbers it is called the?'Periodic law, is the answer. PERIODIC LAW !orPeriodicity of the chemical elements properties.

How are elements organized in columns in the periodic table?

Elements are organised in terms of properties in same column. Properties are found to be periodic .

What are the properties based on modern periodic table?

Properties of elements are periodic function of atomic number. Elements with same chemical properties are grouped together.

How does the modern periodic arrange the elements?

The modern Periodic Table arranges elements based on properties. These properties include valence electrons of the elements and density for example.

What does the word period on the table?

The word "periodic" means recurring in a predictable pattern. It's the same as a magazine that is published bi-weekly being called a "periodical;" or a woman's menstrual "period," which comes about once a month. On the Periodic Table, certain properties of elements recur, and if the elements are arranged a certain way, these recurring properties can be organized in a meaningful way that makes predictability and generalizations possible.

What is mendeleev's periodic law?

The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.The periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. They influence the characters of an element more than atomic weight.