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Developmental problems and mental retardation are not uncommon. It is impossible to say in specific instances.

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Q: A baby born when a mother drank what will they suffer from?
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A drug/substance-addicted baby. There are many other names such as "crack baby", "ice baby", "meth baby" etc, etc....there's also fetal alcohol syndrome, which is the effect a baby has from a mother who drank alcohol during their pregnancy.

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the mother is important as the baby will recognize her voice from when he/she was in the womb and they are important times as the baby will start recognize who her mother and father are.

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it stays with its mother until it grownup .

If you were on diet pills for a month and just found out you were pregnant what effects would this have one the baby?

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An examination of the mother and child.

How long does the mother chinchilla have the baby in her stomach for until the baby is born?

111 days.

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