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Your mother will born baby this month what do she need to do to be both of them will be safe?

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Q: What if your mother will born baby this month what do she need to do to be both of them will be safe?
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Generally, the younger the mother, the better for both mother and baby

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After it is born, it get oxygen from the air and food from its mother's milk. Before it is born it get both form its mother though the placenta and umbilical cord.

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Babies can be born with withdrawal symptoms if the mother uses opioids like Vicodin during pregnancy. It's important to seek medical advice to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery for both mother and baby.

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Yes. It is very strongly possible.

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Yes both mature, and baby sting rays can sting, because when they are born they have a cap over there stinger, so they dont sting the mother. And the cap will fall off when they are born.

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People think that life starts right when your born. But it starts months before. Right when an egg from the mother is fertilized by the father, the baby gets all the characteristics from both parents. When it's a month or two into the pregnancy, the fetus will have almost all the body parts.

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C-sections are helpful when needed cause if the baby is a breech or if there are complications that can be dangerous to either the mother, baby or both, it can be life-saving to both the mother and the baby

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Rh +

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If the mother and father are both type O, the baby cannot be type AB.

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He has both but his father abandoned him when he was a baby so he is left with his mother.

Who is the first between dinosaur baby and dinosaur mother?

The dinosaur mother came first. Both the dinosaur mother and father were needed to produce the egg where the dinosaur baby came from.

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A baby can be born free from AIDS even if both parents have AIDS.