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Q: A bicameral legislature describes a legislative body made of what?
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A two-house legislature is called?

Generally speaking, a legislative body comprise of two legislative chambers or houses is referred to as being bicameral in nature. Specifically, the bicameral legislative body within the United States of America is called Congress. The bicameral legislative body within the United Kingdom of Britain is called Parliment.

Should the legislature be bicameral or unicameral?

The U.S. Congress is bicameral legislature, because it is a two-house legislature; Senate and the House of Representatives

How is your legislature bicameral?

If your legislature has an upper and lower house, then it is bicameral. Italy has a Chamber of Deputies and Senate with legislative power, so it is a bicameral system. Israel's Knesset is the only legislative body in the country on a national level, so it is called a unicameral parliamentary system.

Another word for Two house legislature?

A legislative body with two houses is called a Bicameral. From Latin, "bi" meaning two, and "camera" meaning chamber.

What kind of legislature is the US congress?

The legislature of the United States is known as the United States Congress. Consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, Congress is a bicameral legislative body.

Which of these describes an influence that British government had on the U.S. Constitution and the government of the US?

a bicameral legislative body

Is bicameral mean two houses?

Bicameral means to have two branches, but only within a legislative body example: US Legislature made of senate & house of reps

What is a biacameral legislature made of?

Two assemblies. The word "bicameral" means two rooms. Bicameral legislatures include Congress (Senate and House of Representatives) in the United States and Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords) in Britain.

What is another name for a two house legislature?

A legislature having two houses (as in the US Congress and the British Parliament) is said to be "bicameral" (from the Latin for "two chambers"). A legislature having a single house is said to be "unicameral".

What describes the influence the British government had on the U.S constitution and government of the unitated states?

a bicameral legislative body

Do Most states have a unicameral legislature.?

No, most US states have a bicameral legislature, with two legislative bodies/chambers. A unicameral legislature has a single body/chamber. Nebraska switched to a unicameral legislature in 1934 and is the only US state to currently have a unicameral legislature.

What is a legislative body with one house called?
