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Its a Mussel

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Q: A black or blue bivalve that attaches itself to rocks in the intertidal zone?
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What is a black or blue bivalve that attaches itself to rocks in the intertidal zone?

it is a mussel i think thxs

Is the black hole in space a blue star?

No. A black hole may be the remnant of the core of what was once a blue star, but the black hole itself is as black as anything can possibly be.

Can you see a video of the black hole in space?

Dude it is black for a reason. You can not see the black hole itself, but you can see the black hole distorting light, eating stars, or it's gravitational pull.

What is a black swallower?

A black swallower is a fish of the species Chiasmodon niger, which is able to swallow species much larger than itself.

What is the radius of a black hole singularity?

If it had a radius, then it wouldn't be a singularity. The event-horizon surrounding a black hole has a radius, which depends on the black hole's mass. But the singularity itself has no radius.

Related questions

What is a black or blue bivalve that attaches itself to rocks in the intertidal zone?

it is a mussel i think thxs

What animal has two bluish-black hard shells?

The mussel, a bivalve, has two valves, or shells.

Where do black nerites live?

Black Nerites typically can be found on intertidal rocky shores, usually in groups to prevent them from drying out.

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the game and the controller thingy and the other thingy that attaches

What are two abiotic factors for the coastal ocean?

Temperature Amount of light Depth Current (Intertidal zone -- Gulf Stream) and Water itself. Sand, gravel and rocks.

What are the black specks in grits?

The dark spots are the "tip cap" piece of the whole grain kernel, the part where it attaches to the cob and is normal in grits.

Why do you have black holes in space?

A black hole is a star that has died violently and has collapsed in on itself.

Where is the throttle position sensor on a 1990 dodge Dakota?

Look for a black plastic sensor attached to the throttle body. Expect it to be black in color and directly opposite the throttle cam (where the throttle cable attaches.)

What does the black rhino do all day?

pleasures itself

Which jumper cable clip goes on what post on my car battery?

The red clip attaches to the positive terminal and the black clip attaches to the negative terminal. The positive post should be marked with a + or POS. Your owners manual should also contain instructions for how to jump start the car.

How does the black widow spider protect itself?

It protects itself by its symbol on its stomach that warns every human and animal that she's a black widow!(and that will scare the humans and other animals)

When will a black hole form?

after a neutron star collapses on itself