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If he is flirting with you and you like him too, he might really want to be with u. If hes flirting with another girl he might:

A. Like you

B. Like someone else

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Q: A bot keeps smiling flirting and staring but I know that he flirts all the time does he like me or not cos I like him a lot?
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What does it means if a boy keeps on staring and smiling at you when you always ignore him You want to know whether he likes you or is just flirting or passing the time?

he wants you. he wants a bit of va-j-j

What does it mean when a guy keeps smiling at you and looking at u....but u dont even know him?

He is interested, or he is a peodo

What does it mean if when a boy keeps staring at you and smiling the whole time?

the guy's a loony. and a pedo. he MUST be crazy. and he definitely doesn't have a crush on you

If a girl keeps smiling at you staring at you and trying to start conversations with you does it mean she likes you?

Probably but make sure she's not looking at your cute friend or seat buddy.

What do you do when this boy keeps staring at you smiling knowing that it makes you uncomfortable?

just totally ignore him if u tell him to stop or show it bothers u he will keep on doing it :)

How do you tell if my crush likes me?

If your crush keeps hitting on you, flirting, or staring, DEFINITLY staring, that may be a few sign's that they like you. Also talking to you, being around you/gravitating towards you and joining into conversations that they weren't a part of-- that you started.

What should you do if a close friend starts flirting then he stops talking to you but he keeps flirting?

Well if he keeps flirting just go long with it and if you dont see him as more than friend then tell him or her that you just want to be friends well to know if he's flirting with you he would say something like: "wanna hang out later?" or "do you want to sit with me at lunch?" and he might nod at you if he's staring hes liking

If a boy keeps staring at you and then his friends start staring at you and smiling does it mean he likes you?

i think you should just wait and see wat he does and if he is a real man he will tell you he likes you or tell you to stop pretending you aren't looking @ him and tell him you like him

I have been dating my bf for 2 yrs and have had a reoccuring fight about how he flirts with other girls. He says its his personality and cant change. Am I wrong to be mad?

No. It's normal for a girl to be mad at a overly-flirtatious boy. Some guys are naturally flirtatious, just like how he says he is. You've told him several times to stop flirting, have you not? If he keeps on flirting, you might have to break up with him. Warn him first, tell him that you'll break up with him he keeps flirting. If he truly loved you, he'd at least try to stop flirting. If he still flirts, end the relationship. With a relationship comes compromise and change; if he won't change for you, then you don't have to deal with him.

My ex broke up with me and he keeps staring at me and trying to talk to me but he hugs other girls and flirts with them but today he asked me for a hug and he held my hand .. does he miss me?

I think you should get him on his own and talk to him, to see if he does miss you or he just wants to be friends

What do you do when your gay girlfriend always flirts?

Well, it depends. If she tries to make a move and your not interested just be honest and tell her you don't feel the same. But if that doesn't happen and she just keeps flirting then just find the right time to tell the truth.

Is it considered flirting when a guy keeps showing you magic tricks?

Not in and of itself, but it may be flirting in your case.