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he wants you. he wants a bit of va-j-j

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Q: What does it means if a boy keeps on staring and smiling at you when you always ignore him You want to know whether he likes you or is just flirting or passing the time?
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What does it mean if a boy always trys to make eye contact with you and always smiling at you?

Depends whether you are a boy or a girl Boy: Unlucky, change your sex Girl: He likes You. He is flirting with you.

How do you know whether a girl is attracted to you?

When a girl starts flirting with you, she's attracted to you. To find out the signs of flirting, look it up on Wikipedia.

How should you find out whether a girl likes you or not - over the phone?

when they start flirting with you

Is flirting a sin?

Whether flirting is considered a sin may vary depending on one's religious beliefs. In some religious traditions, flirting may be seen as inappropriate or disrespectful, while in others it may be viewed as harmless. It is important to consider the context and intentions behind the flirting behavior.

A guy seems to be flirting a lot before and still does now but not as much he seems to be flirting with my friend now and im confused whether he still is interested or not. What are the signs?

He's just horny :P lol

Why did my crush stare at me with a blank expression?

It's difficult to know for sure without more context, but it's possible that your crush was lost in thought or simply not aware that they were staring. It could also be that they were feeling a range of emotions and their expression appeared blank as a result.

If you are shy and you like a boy and you aren't friends but you pretend to not like each other and do stuff like throw erasers at each other except you laugh when you're doing it what should you do?

Go ahead and ask him whether he'd like to go to a movie with you some time. What you're doing is actually a way of flirting and if he keeps smiling too there's a chance he likes you too.

How can you tell whether a guy likes a girl or not?

If he shows signs as smiling winking and tries to make physical touching and complementing then you can tell he likes you.

What does a dream about Mona Lisa mean?

They show the mood and tone of the painting, and the way that da Vinci paints the mouth is an illusion whether she is smiling or not.

How can you tell if a guy stares at you?

Simply throw glances at him without him noticing. If he sees you're checking whether he's staring he'll stop.

Will a guy stare at you for a few months almost everyday if you stared at him during a class long time ago?

well that depends whether its a love stare or a mean stare. if its a mean one and hes staring at you to get you back for staring at him in class, the probably but if its a nice stare then no.

Will a guy stare at you if he knows you like him but he doesn't necessarily like you?

It's possible that a guy may stare at you if he knows you like him, but he may not necessarily like you in return. He may be trying to gauge your reactions or may feel flattered by the attention. However, it's important to communicate openly and directly about feelings to avoid any misunderstandings.