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Q: A branch of law dealing with the formation constitution and interpretation of constitution?
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What is the government branch that interprets the constitution and shapes the law?

The judicial branch is tasked with the interpretation of the law.

What is the responsibility of the judicial?

The duties of the Judicial Branch are to decide on the meaning or interpretation of the Constitution and laws. The Judicial Branch protects individual citizens from mistreatment by other branches of government.

Which branch of the us government interpets the constitution?

The Judicial Branch of government is vested with the authority to interpret the Constitution and ensure that laws adhere to the spirit and letter of the Constitution. It is also responsible for determining how a laws are interpreted and applied.As the highest court in the nation, the US Supreme Courtis the ultimate authority on the interpretation of laws and the Constitution.

What are Roles of the State Judicial Branch?

state supreme court appellate court

Where is the Plain Dealing Branch in Plain Dealing located?

The address of the Plain Dealing Branch is: 208 East Mary Lee, Plain Dealing, 71064 4225

What describes the philosophical differences between the Federalists and Republicans as of 1800?

Federalists supported a flexible interpretation of the Constitution, a strong central government, and military buildup funded by taxes; Republicans supported a strict interpretation of the Constitution, states' rights, and a smaller federal budget. -- APEX ~APEX~ Republicans favored states' rights, while Federalists wanted a strong executive branch. Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Republicans wanted a strict one.Federalists wanted a loose interpretation of the Constitution, while Republicans wanted a strict one. Republicans favored states' rights, while Federalists wanted a strong executive branch

What is the phone number of the Plain Dealing Branch in Plain Dealing?

The phone number of the Plain Dealing Branch is: 318-326-4233.

How may a dispute between Congress and the Executive branch be resolved when they disagree over an interpretation of Constitutional powers?

I think the Supreme Court would settle it, because it's the Judicial branch's job to interpret the Constitution.

Which branch interprets the law?

Well, All the branches do the law interpretation for their own needs and uses. The interpretation made by Legislative branch is called Authentic Interpretation (interpretation made by the author (of law) itself ) But the most important interpretation is the one made by Courts. Especially the interpretation of Constitutional court (in countries where they exist ) or Supreme Courts.This interpretation is final.

What was the first branch of government discussed in the constitution?

The legilatve branch is the first to be dicussed in the constitution.

Where in the constitution in the legislative branch mentioned?

The Legislative Branch is created via article I of the constitution. However, the legislative branch also plays a major role in article V, which concerns amending the constitution.

What branch interprets the constitution?

The Juditial branch.