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A 3 dimensional fire.

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Q: A burning liquid that is dripping spraying or flowing over the edge of a container is known as?
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Anything capable of flowing is called fluid. Both liquid and gas are capable of flowing freely and so they are termed as fluids.

What does liqiud mean in science?

No defined shape, capable of flowing and taking on the shape of its container, but having a defined volume (unlike a gas, which has no defined volume)

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take a bottle and make two holes on it then pour water in it you will see that two jet of water flowing from the holes the water lands equal distance from the bottle this how you can say that there is equal pressure the container

How do you get static electricity out of a snow globe?

Spray short bursts of Static Guard into the globe during operation ... Repete until the snow is flowing smoothly. DO NOT spray to much at first ! Less is better and then a second spraying if needed !!

Is a spark a type of reaction?

An electrical spark is not. It is merely electrons flowing and that may cause a reaction. A fire type spark, is not either, but the fire is. A 'spark' that is a slmall ember of burning substance that 'jumps' from a fire is a burning material, so there is a chemical reaction of burning, also called oxidation, going on.

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Simple. get a glass container of some type fill it with water and slowly pour it slowly but steadily into somewhere e.g. the sink.

What is cup in dream?

A cup is a container for liquid, whether in real life or in a dream. It might represent either need (an empty cup) or abundance (an over-flowing cup.)

Does MC edit stop previously flowing lava or burning fire on Minecraft?

well yes if you highlight the fire and fill and replace with air but bringing stuff back after burnt no.