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Government corporations

Hailegiorgis Biramo Allaro

11 October 2011

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Q: A business established by government that performs functions that could be provided by the private sector is called?
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What happens to the price level when the government buys bonds?

when the govt. performs open market operations, or puchases sercurities such as bonds, the price level increases.

Actions or activities that one person performs for another?


Who performs the financial management function in the typical corporation?

Person that have knowlage.

What services does the federal reserve provide for the federal government?

The Federal Reserve is the basis for the American Financial System. They provide Interest Rates as well ad backing for the USAThe Federal Reserve Bank of NY provides many services to the US Government which include selling US Treasury Bills and Notes to finance the financial obligations of the Government. The Fed also performs currency trading services to help stabilize the US dollar or other countries currencies. Part of this trading involves providing foreign currencies the Government needs to meet its world wide obligations. The multitude of other services the Fed performs do not necessarily help or hinder the US Government. As example setting the overnight interest rates that banks use for short term financing. This rate has a substantial influence on the prime rate of interest US banks charge their customers. The Fed is also known as the lender of last resort. Member banks that require funds they cannot raise by normal methods may be borrowed from the Fed. These needs must be deemed as extremely vital to the US economy.The Fed also sets margin rates that impact the percentage of money a buyer of stocks must pay to make stock purchases. For example, a person wishing to buy a stock selling for $100 per share may only need to pay $50 per share to a broker and the remaining money owed is charged an interest rate. That 50% set by the Federal Reserve Bank. This margin rate is subject to change by the Fed based on its view of the markets and other economic indicators.There many other functions the Fed performs, however the above mentioned ones are deemed to be the most vital.

What is cost effective analysis?

I'm assuming here that you mean in reference to production. Cost effective analysis can apply to a range of areas but with anything there is an end product. Method by which a person, group, company go by to determine if the current means of producing a good will result in a loss or gain in monetary terms.