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The same force could not be applied to travel the same distance if there is a larger mass in one instance. Applied force will accelerate a given mass twice as much as a mass half as large. If both are moving the same distance, the 20-brick cart had more kinetic energy when in motion.

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The cart pushing twenty bricks will have greater kinetic energy because kinetic energy is directly proportional to both the mass and the square of the velocity of an object. In this case, the increased mass of twenty bricks will contribute more to the kinetic energy than the increased force.

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Q: A cart pushing ten bricks or a cart pushing twenty bricks using the same force and going the same distance which has greater kinetic energy?
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Why does the heavy bricks sinks into the water.give reasons?

The density of bricks is higher than that of water, so they sink when placed in water due to the buoyant force acting on them. The weight of the bricks is greater than the buoyant force pushing up on them, causing them to sink to the bottom of the water.

What change in kinetic energy does an airplane experience on takeoff if it is moved a distance of 500 m by a sustained netforce of 5000 N?

The change in kinetic energy can be calculated using the work-energy principle. The work done on the plane is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance traveled. Therefore, the change in kinetic energy is equal to the work done, which is 5000 N * 500 m = 2500000 J.

What weighs more 100 grams of feathers or 100 grams of bricks?

They both weigh 1000 pounds, exactly the same. They both weigh 1000 pounds, exactly the same.

Why does bricks falls faster than cotton of equal masses?

Bricks fall faster than cotton of equal masses due to differences in their densities. Bricks have a higher density, which means they have more mass packed into a smaller volume. This higher density results in bricks experiencing a greater gravitational force compared to cotton, causing them to fall faster.

How much work is done in lifting a 300-lb load of bricks to a height of 60 feet on a building under construction?

The work done in lifting the load of bricks can be calculated using the formula: work = force x distance. In this case, the force is the weight of the load (300 lbs) and the distance is the height it was lifted (60 feet). Therefore, the work done is 18,000 foot-pounds (300 lbs x 60 feet).

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To separate bricks that have been glued with Liquid Nails you will need Windshield Cut-Out wire. Begin pushing the wire between the bricks at one corner. Continue using the wire to separate the bricks.

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Put all of the bricks away and tell your dog to stop barking by giving him a treat when he does stop barking.

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Neither. A kilogram is the same regardless.

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The answer is very much the same as the answer to the question: "Which weighs most, hot water, cold water, or water colored green ?" The answer, of course, is: That depends on how much you have of each substance. One thing we can definitely guarantee: A pound of bricks, a pound of cheese, and a pound of feathers all have precisely the same, identical, and indistinguishable weight.

Which has a greater mass a kilogram of bricks or a kilogram of feathers?

They both have the same mass. A kilogram measure mass regardless of the material, volume etc.

What is the collective noun for bricks?

The collective noun for bricks is a course of bricks.

What are LEGO bricks?

Lego bricks are little blocks and Lego bricks can connect to other Lego bricks

Are bricks flammable?

Bricks are not flammable, but coal bricks are. IF THERE IS A BETTER ANSWER, IMPROVE.

How do you do a brick wall question in maths where there are 3 numbers at the bottom and then 2 numbers at the middle and then 1 number at the top?

The answer will depend on how many bricks there are, and also on which bricks are numbered and which are not.The answer will depend on how many bricks there are, and also on which bricks are numbered and which are not.The answer will depend on how many bricks there are, and also on which bricks are numbered and which are not.The answer will depend on how many bricks there are, and also on which bricks are numbered and which are not.

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What types of bricks are sold by Austral Bricks?

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