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It will have 4 daughter cells and 10 chromosome per daughter cell because the number of chromosomes you start with is doubled and then divided by four.

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If the parent cell undergoes mitosis, the daughter cells will have 20 chromosomes. If the parent cell undergoes meiosis, the daughter cells will have 10 chromosomes.

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Q: A cell with a diploid number of 20 undergoes meiosis. this will produce?
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Does meiosis produce cells with a diploid chromosome number?

no, it produce 4 genetically different haploid cells

Why reductional division or meiosis essential in organism?

Meiosis reduces number of chromosomes to one half . when two gametes fuse , it restores original diploid number of chromosomes .With out this diploid number of chromosomes could not be maintained .

When does the reduction of chromosomes from the diploid to the haploid number take place?

During meiosis

Do mitosis meiosis or both maintain diploid number of chromosomes?

Mitosis stays diploid throughout. The first part of Meiosis- Meiosis I- is diploid, but after Telophase 1 it becomes haploid throughout Meiosis II. Source: College student in Bio 2: Book using is "Biology"; 8th Edition; Campbell/Reece

Is the end product of mitosis haploid or diploid?

Mitosis produces DIPLOID cells- remember in mitosis your INCREASING the number of CELLS but the chromosome number is the SAME as the parentso a parent that has a (DIPLOID number of 10)will produce at the end of mitosis will produce 2 children with a diploid number of (10)That is why Mitosis is CONSERVATIVE.So in actuality, 1 diploid cell will produce 2 diploid cells in mitosisThe above is only true if the starting cell is itself diploid. However there are plenty of instances, especially in plants, in which cells that are haploid (the ones that give rise to pollen and egg, and endosperm nuclei, for example) or multiploid (hexaploid wheat, for example) undergo mitosis, and the cells that are produced have the same ploidy as the starting cell. Always. As noted above, mitosis is conservative. However, you ought not assume that you started with a diploid cell.

What is formed a the end of meiosis?

In meiosis diploid cells divide to produce four daughter cells each of which is haploid. It is the type of cell division required to produce gametes.

How are haploid and diploid related to mitosis and meiosis?

Meiosis in simple terms is the process by which gametes (sperm and egg) fuse together to produce a fertilised egg. Haploid is a word that refers to how many chromosomes a certain cell has. In this case the gametes have a haploid number of chromosomes, which is half the number a normal cell has. A normal cell has a diploid number of chromosomes. So in meiosis the two gametes come together with their hapoid number of chromosomes each to create an egg that has a diploid (standard) number of chromosomes.

What type of cell division produces diploid cells?

Meiosis produces haploid cells from a diploid cell

What is the diploid number for meiosis card game?

2(n) = 2(13) = 26

What is another name for meiosis because the number is reduced from haploid to diploid?

Reduction Division.

What is the prosses in which an organisms cell reduced from being diploid tto hapoid called?

When cells divide into cells with half the number of chromosomes (diploid to haploid) they are undergoing meiosis. Meiosis results in the formation of gametes.

Is a diploid organism formed in the fertilization or meiosis during sexual reproduction?

Any cell that forms by meiosis (sexual reproduction) is going to be haploid, half the number of chromosomes. Fertilization brings together these two haploid cells that were produced by meiosis and produces on diploid cell, a zygote.