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Q: A certain block and tackle system has four supporting strands so its IMA is?
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How does pulleys work?

Pulleys can multiply the force you apply. Example: I pull down on a pulley with TWO Pulleys THREE supporting Strands and the force is Multiplied by a factor of TWO, but you have to pull TWICE the length of Rope as the Distance the Object is Raised. Therefore you can LIFT more WEIGHT than you normally could.The relationship of Supporting Strands to the Force Multiplier is:(the number of Supporting Strands) - 1So a Pulley system with 5 Supporting Strands with Multiply YOUR input Force by 4 times. This type of System is referred to as "Block and Tackle".

Mechanical advantage of the block and tackle?

Equal to the number of cords supporting the weight.

Is a block and tackle a wheel and axle?

No, a block and tackle is not considered a wheel and axle system. It is considered a type of pulley system.

A system of pulleys is called a?

block and tackle.

A system of pulleys is called?

A system of pulleys is called a block and tackle

Why did people start calling the fishing tool a tackle?

No one calls any fishing tool "a tackle." Tackle (from the verb to take) means the gear or equipment used in certain sports and activities.

What is the advantage of a pulley?

Of a single pulley wheel, only that it changes the direction of the force ie: from overhead. > On a block and tackle system, 2 or more pulley wheels are used in a certain way to produce mechanical advantage. The simplest type of block and tackle offers a mechanical advantage of 2

What is a block and what is a tackle?

A block and tackle is a system of two or more pulleys each enclosed by a housing with a rope or cable threaded between them.

What is a block and tackle?

A block and tackle is a system of two or more pulleys each enclosed by a housing with a rope or cable threaded between them.

Which pully would require more effort force?

Not entirely sure what you mean but maybe this will help: In general the more pulleys you have in your system the less force you will need to apply to lift a certain load, in this case the system of pulleys is generally called a "block and tackle".

When two kinds of pulleys are used together the system is called?

Block and Tackle

How much does a block and tackle pulley system multiply the effort force?

4 (: