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Q: A characteristic that can be passed to offsprings through genes?
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What is one characteristic passed from parent to offspring through genes?

The sex of the offspring.

Each parent donates a set of instructions called what to their offsprings?

The set of instructions for each characteristic passed from parent to offspring is called "genes", which are made up of complex molecules of DNA.

What are the different genes?

genes are the traits past down to their offsprings.

Parents and offsprings have basically the same what?


What is a trait that is a characteristic passed from parent to there young Example would be fur color stripes or spots?

That would be called genes. Genes is when a characteristic is past on from a mother to its child or a father to its child.

What is a characteristic that an organism can pass on to an offspring through its genes?


What does inherited trait mean?

An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes.

How are traits passed to offspring?

through genes and adaptation

What are your genetics?

The characteristics that your parents passed on to you through your genes

Are measles genetic or hereditary?

Neither. They can't be passed through genes. They are passed by contact.

Do you choose to have disorders?

No that is passed through something called Genes.

What type of alleles are expressed only if two identical copies exist on the homologs of the offsprings?

A recessive gene A recessive gene makes it harder for genes(or traits) to be passed on from parents to daughters.