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It is made up of genes.

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Q: A chromosome is made up of even smaller bodies?
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Chromosome are made up of still smaller units called?

A chromosome is made up of DNA, which has subunits called nucleotides.

Is a chromosome smaller than DNA?

Chromosomes are made of DNA coiled around protein histones. So no, chromosomes are not smaller, but they are more condensed then when the DNA is unwound in strand form.

What two identical bodies make up a duplicated chromosome?

Somatic cell chromosome is made of two identical chromatids

Is nucleus smaller than atom?

An atom comprises an atomic nucleus with orbiting electrons. So the nucleus is smaller than an atom. To phrase it the opposite way, an atom is alwys larger than the nucleus (of the same atom of course!!)

What is larger a nucleosome or chromosome?

A chromosome is made up of many genes.

What is material made out of?

Material is made of atoms and molecules; molecules are made of atoms. Atoms are made of even smaller particles such as protons, neutrons, mesons and electrons. Protons, neutrons and mesons are made of even smaller particles named quarks. Research is ongoing to find what electrons and quarks are made of.

A copy of each chromosome is made?


What is a chromosome made up of when it coils?


A copy of each chromosome is made in which stage of mitosis?

One copy will be made totalling 2 of the same chromosome, one for each cell.

How are babies made with a mom and dad?

Parents have babys by rubbing on each other And letting A type of air from their bodies interacting this starts to create a baby. A chromosome uses yx to determine if youre a boy or girl

What are chromosomes in the nucleus?

chromosome is structure made up of DNA and histones, a type of protein. DNA in a cell is HUGE (about 2meters long in humans) and in order to fit into a cell, it is wrapped around the histones and coiled up even further to form a chromosome.

Copy of a chromosome made furing the cell cycle?
