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Q: A claim lacks credibility when it conflicts with?
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What gives Hamas's claim to Palestine credibility?

It came to power after free election

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Why are there conflicts in Palestine?

The Muslims and Jews both claim that Palestine is their land at that they have been living there for thousands of years. The Muslims do not have any proof of their claim, but the Jews do.

What might it say about a work if the author has not cited his or her references?

If an author has not cited their references, it may suggest that the work lacks credibility and academic integrity. Proper citation of sources is essential for giving credit to the original ideas and research that inform the work, and failing to do so can raise questions about the validity and reliability of the content. It is important for authors to properly acknowledge the contributions of others to maintain transparency and respect in academic and professional writing.

Who lit Chicago on fire?

The origin of the 1871 Chicago Fire remains unknoown even today. The traditional answer is that Catherine O'Leary's cow kicked over a lantern, but that was only a reporter's yarn that lacks credibility.

What is the best evaluation of the source's credibility?

To evaluate a source's credibility, consider factors such as the author's expertise and credentials, the publication or website where the information is found, the presence of references or citations, and potential biases or conflicts of interest. It is also helpful to cross-reference the information with other reliable sources to verify accuracy.

Why does the author claim without evidence?

Making claims without evidence undermines the credibility of the author's argument. Providing evidence supports the claim, makes the argument more convincing, and helps readers understand the basis of the statement.

Why is this citation from and ldquoThe killers in our Midst and an example of an untrustworthy source?

Without having the specific citation, it is difficult to provide a direct reason for it being untrustworthy. However, a source like "The Killers in Our Midst" could be considered untrustworthy if it lacks credibility, contains biased information, or presents unsubstantiated claims without proper evidence or research to back them up. It is important to carefully evaluate the reliability of the source, including the author's expertise and potential conflicts of interest.

What is meaning f a man of straw?

A man of straw is a term used to describe someone who appears to have influence or power, but in reality, is weak or ineffective. It suggests that the person is easily swayed or controlled by others and lacks substance or credibility in their position.

Why is baroc obama stink at being president?

The author of the question doesn't even spell the president's name correctly; thus, the question itself lacks credibility. The author of the question should go back to 6th grade and work on his/her spelling.

What is the antonym for the word credibility?

The antonym for the word credibility is incredibility, which means lacking credibility or believability.

What is the purpose of a source?
