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Q: A company did not inform me ahead of time that I was to be charged for services and then they sent me to collections. Do they have to have a signed contract showing an agreement for this to be valid?
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Under what circumstances may breach of contract be charged?

Breach of contract may be charged if either party fails to comply with the terms of a legally valid contract.

Can attorneys charge a fee and extra money for his expenses on a federal tort case?

Yes. Any expenses incurred during litigation are normally charged to the client outside of the attorney's fee.Added: HOPEFULLY you will have a signed agreement or contract for services which covers this matter. If no contract was signed or agreed to (IN WRITING) you may not be liable for the extra fees, but you can probably assume that the attorney will take you to court to recover their (alleged) expenses.

What happens if a contract violates a law?

That contract will be withdrawn and you will probably be charged.

Is it legal to charge for cleaning carpet in a lease agreement?

The lease agreement should stipulate a clause about keeping the carpets clean and if not tenant can be charged a fee for it to be cleaned. This opens a clause for the contract to read what constitutes dirty or clean and a need to clean. If this is done without your permission within the contract you can reverse charges as entry to apartment without permission unless in clause etc on down the line.

Is it illegal to charge more for electricity than what you are charged?

It is not illegal to charge more for electricity that for what you were charged. You should look into your agreement you signed with your landlord to make sure what the agreement states.

Is it true that unless stated in the contract the breaching party in the contract cannot be charged with legal fees?


Is there a law that someone can be charged for not returning a cell phone in a certain amount of time?

There is no law, but usually the fine print in your cellular plan agreement covers replacement of your device and the requirement to return the defective device. While there is not a law that specifically addresses this case, by signing that contract with the requirement outlined, you have entered into a binding contract and is is covered for civil penalties if you violate the contract.

Can you be fired for a crime you have been charged with?

If you work in an at will state and have no contract, then yes. If you have a contract or work for the government as a tenured employee, then you couldn't be fired unless the criminal charges stem from an investigation started by your employer.

What are the points to look for before entering into an agreement with landscape contractors?

Make sure that you understand exactly what you are getting for the services requested. Also understand what is being charged. Ask for a line item quote/invoice.

Can gratuity be charged on top of an event room fee?

Hopefully you signed some kind of agreement or contract for renting the facility. If so, all fees and charges should be covered in there. If it isn't included, you should contest the extra charge.

Can you cancel a mobile contract?

Yes, you can cancel a contract with you service provider, but you will most likely be charged with an early termination fee. And this will depend on the stipulations on the contract.

Why is it illegal for juveniles to get tattoos?

It is not in some states and cities if you get parental consent. Youth are not considered to have the ability to understand the consequences of their actions. As such they cannot enter into an agreement such as a contract for a tattoo without an adult vouching for them. People that tattoo minors can be charged with assault and mutilation.