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Q: A compromise is an adjustment of opposing principles or system by modifying some aspect of each True Or False?
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Dialectic is the idea that truth needs to be pursued by constantly modifying one's position through questioning and contact with?

opposing arguments

Why is compromise one of the most important leadership qualities?

The president must work with opposing political parties constantly.

What is an accommodationist?

An accommodationist is someone who attempts to compromise with the opinions of someone who has opposing views to himself, or attempts to adopt his stance to suit others.

Should I argue back?

No. It's not constructive, if your opposing points of view are that far apart, even if you could discuss it, you are unlikely to reach a compromise

Which delegates were for 35ths compramise?

It's actually the Three-Fifths Compromise. Most delegates from the slave-holding States argued that slaves should be counted. Most northerners took the opposing view. Finally, the Framers decided on the 3/5ths Compromise.

The process through which a neutral third party attempts to persuade opposing parties to settle their differences through compromise is known as?

transformation pretty sure it's mediation

In what year did the Missouri compromise begin?

The Missouri compromise was in 1820

What is the best way to get a good offer in a compromise settlement?

The best way to get a good offer in a compromise settlement is to talk as much as possible with the opposing party to find some middle ground. If you do not already have lawyers helping you it may be a great idea to find someone to help mediate discussions between both parties.

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30' line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30'line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.

A struggle between two opposing forces?

A conflict arises when two opposing forces clash in an attempt to achieve their goals. This struggle can manifest in various forms, such as physical battles, ideological differences, or power struggles. Resolving the conflict often requires negotiation, compromise, or one side overcoming the other.

What reason did the senators give opposing US membership in the league of nations?

many senators thought that joining the league of nations would compromise soverignty in the united states which is why they rejected Wilson´s 14 points.