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CONCRETE RESIDUE RUNOFF Contact the concrete contractor and have them clean up their mess. Asa professional contractor, that is his responsibility.

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Q: A concrete contractor cleaned his mixer on the sidewalk and ran the water residue onto a neighbors walk It has dried to a white powdery coat Any thoughts on how to clean I do have a power washer?
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On the sidewalk bleeding What is the purpose of italics technique?

The purpose of using italics in "On the Sidewalk Bleeding" is to emphasize specific words or phrases, like highlighting the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist Andy. It helps to show his inner turmoil and desperation as he grapples with his situation and reflects on his identity.

Is jumble a concrete or an abstract noun?

The noun 'jumble' is a concrete noun as a word for a disordered group of things, physical things.The noun 'jumble' is an abstract noun as a word for a disordered event, or disordered thoughts or feelings.

Why is On the Sidewalk Bleeding a third person omniscient point of view?

It is 3rd Person Omniscient point of view because the narrator is explaining all of Andy's thoughts throughout the entire story. You even know the thoughts of the other characters just when they say something out loud. (EX: The drunk thought Andy was laying in the sidewalk because he was drunk. Angela mentioned she was scared, and Frankie said hedidn'twant to invade with the Guardian’s and the Royal’s business.)

How do you use sauntered in a sentence?

The hunter smiled as he sauntered forware to kill me.The cowboy sauntered up to the bar.Yes, the girls just sauntered by.

Is meditation a abstract or a concrete?

The noun 'meditation' is an abstract noun as a word for an act or process of spending time in quiet thought; contemplation; a word for a concept.The noun 'mediation' is a concrete noun as a word for a piece of writing that expresses serious thoughts on a particular subject; a word for a physical thing.

Is dreams a concrete or an abstract noun?

The noun 'dream' is an abstract noun as a word for a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep; a hope, ambition, or aspiration.

How can use train as a noun?

The word "train" is both a verb and a noun.The noun train is a singular, common noun which can be a concrete noun or an abstract noun, depending on use.a vehicle that runs on a track (concrete)a line of people, animals, or traffic moving together (concrete)the back of a long dress that spreads over the ground (concrete)a series of thoughts or events (abstract)Example sentences:"I am using while riding a train"." I've lost my train of thought."

Is ear an abstract noun?

No, the plural form for the word ear is ears. For example, Johnny has two ears.

What characteristics do humans share with animals?

Animals and humans are both in the animal kingdom. Characteristics that animals and humans share are emotions, thoughts, and physical similarities. For example, a humans and animals are social beings who form bonds with family, friends, and neighbors.

Why are you scared of bull dogs?

Maybe you had a bad experience one time and you have thoughts of it come up every once in awhile. Without knowing the whole story it's kind of hard to answer. But you know bull dogs are kink of scary looking, I would be scared if one came up to me the sidewalk.

What is the point of view in neighbors by tim winton?

In "Neighbors" by Tim Winton, the point of view alternates between third person limited and first person, giving readers insight into the main character's thoughts and emotions while also maintaining a sense of distance and objectivity. This helps create a more intimate connection with the character while still allowing for a broader perspective on the story's events.