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Q: A corporation is owned my whom?
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A corporation is owned by whom?

It is legally owned by its stockholders, although they do not have control over the day-to-day management of the company like a "normal" owner would for a non-corporation company.

Who is a corporation owned by?

A corporation is owned by its stockholders.

Who owns the Stihl corporation?

They are a family owned corporation.

What is a government owned corporation?

Federal Deposit Insurance corporation

What Corporation once owned hertz and Hilton?

UAL corporation once owned Hertz and Hilton Suman Gupta

What type corporation are owned by stockholders?

All corporations are owned by stockholders. Every corporation is required to issue stock.

What is the difference between a public corporation a private corporation and a crown corporation?

"Public Corporation" can refer to a corporation that offers shares on the public market, or it can refer to a corporation that is owned by the government. Similarly, "Private Corporation" can refer to any corporation that is not government owned, or a corporation that does not list its shares on public share markets. A "crown corporation" is one that is owned by the government. This term is more widely used in UK, some Commonwealth countries and other monarchies.

A company that is owned by a group of people called shareholders is a?


What was the largest black owned corporation?

TLC Beatrice International Corporation

What is the ownership of a corporation?

It is owned by stockholders.

What is a publicly owned corporation?


What is a business owned by investors?

A corporation