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A double solid white line is used to define a traffic lane where travel in the same direction is permitted on both sides of the line but no changing or crossing of lanes.

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Q: A double solid white line is used to define a traffic lane where travel in the same direction is permitted on both sides of the line but?
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It seperarates the direction of traffic flow

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Double solid red lines are caused by reflectors in the roadway - those facing oncoming traffic are amber or white, and those facing the opposite direction are red. The double red lines indicate that you are driving on the wrong side of the road.

Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction where crossing over the line is prohibited?

double solid white lines

What is the difference between a broken line a solid line a double line and a white or yellow lines?

A broken line consists of dashes, and it indicates that passing is permitted in that stretch of road. A solid line remains unbroken, and indicates that passing is not permitted. Double lines serve a number of purposes. They may be present because permissions are different for opposing lanes, or they may be present to separate traffic. For example, there may be a stretch of road where a southbound lane is permitted to pass, but a northbound lane is not. Thus, there would be a double line, broken on the southbound side, and solid on the northbound side. As for the colours, white lines indicate that traffic on both sides of that line flow in the same direction, whereas lanes on opposite sides of a yellow line flow in opposing directions.

What does a double solid line white line in the center of the highway mean?

A double solid white line separates two lanes of traffic going in the same direction. Crossing a double solid line is prohibited.

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What does a double solid yellow line in the center of the highway mean what does a double solid white line in the center of the highway?

Double solid yellow is between two lanes of traffic with oppsing directions. This indicates no passing a vehicle that is traveling the same direction by moving to the oposing lane momentarily. You have to stay in your lane. Solid white is a line between two lanes going the same direction, but indicates changing lanes is not admissable unless safety concerns exist. Again, you have to stay in your lane.

What is the violation code if a motorist drives over the double yellow line to pass a stopped vehicle traveling the same direction?

It dependa on the traffic on the other side of the road.

When is passing permitted?

When there are no vehicles are in the way, or in the lane ou are trying to pass in. Passing is not permitted on solid double lines.

Can you cross a double yellow line to turn into a school if a guard is posted?

You may CROSS a double yellow line if that is the only way to legally negotiate a turn into a property. The double yellow line signfies only that you may NOT PASS another vehicle. Of course, the direction of the person directing traffic must be obeyed.

How do you double the capacity of stack in c?

Something like this: before: #define MAXALLOC 256 after: #define MAXALLOC 512

What do two sets of double yellow lines in the center of the road mean?

A double solid yellow line in the center of the highway is there to separate the two directions of traffic. In most cases, you should not cross that line. On a two-lane road where passing is allowed, one line (or both) will usually become a dashed yellow line. Some locales do not allow turns off the highway across a double yellow line.