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A farmer is indeed involved in different types of agricultural activity. He's called an agriculturer, he raises living things (organisms) for food, tools (sheep eat the grass, so no mowing is needed anymore) or products (for example eggs or milk).

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Q: A farmer is a person involved in which different types of agricultural activity?
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What are the responsibilities of a farmer?

the responsibility of a farmer ios to work in the agricultural field producing crops and the neccesities for people. It may include different crops.

Where can a farmer work?

In a agricultural farm.

What is the first Agricultural Adjustment Act?

The first Agricultural Adjustment Act reduced agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies.

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What is the definition of small and marginal farmer by government of India and nabard?

'Marginal Farmer' means a farmer cultivating (as owner or tenant or share cropper) agricultural land up to 1 hectare (2.5 acres). 'Small Farmer' means a farmer cultivating (as owner or tenant or share cropper) agricultural land of more than 1 hectare and up to 2 hectares (5 acres).

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A food crop seller is a farmer or agricultural wholesaler.

How was the agricultural adjustments act meant to help farmer?

By raising crop prices

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The Tollund Man lived during the Iron Age in Denmark and was likely a farmer or a member of a community involved in agricultural activities. His well-preserved body suggests he was not a manual laborer.

What is agricultural entrepreneurship?

Agricultural entrepreneurship is when a person starts a business in agriculture. They can become a farmer or they can start a produce stand and rent booths out to others.

Which agricultural interest group would a small farmer belong to?

National Farmers Union

How many farmers are in the world?

1 in 8 people are a farmer Source: Agricultural United

How can a non-farmer buy an agricultural land in India?

Non Farmer buy a land of 63AA rule. in case permission ganted by colleractor in 73 rule.