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Polar Bears are mammals, the female has internal ovaries, fallopian tubes and a womb in which the baby embroil is kept during development, sustained with nutrients and oxygen by a placenta. At birth the baby bear is fed milk from mammary glands.

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Q: A female polar bear reproductive system?
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Does a polar bear have a reproductive system?

Polar bears are mammals. The reproductive systems of all mammals contain gonads. Gonads are the glands that produce reproductive cells. In males the gonads are called testes and produce sperm and in females they are called ovaries and produce eggs.

How do the male polar bear and the female polar bear have the baby polar bear?

just like human do .

Who are a polar bear's parents?

A male and female adult polar bear.

What do you call a polar bear mum?

A female bear is called a sow.

How can you tell a difference of a male polar bear and a female polar bear?

Males are much larger.

Does the male polar bear or female guard there young?


How are polar bears are born?

a male polar bear and a female polar bear mate and after 9 to 10 weeks of pregnancy the female gives birth to a cub. The birth is very graphic.

What is the length of a female polar bear?

7 feet

Is a male polar bear stronger then the female?


How big is a female polar bear adult?

A large female polar bear would stand around seven feet tall, and weigh 450-600 pounds.

Is Polar bear semen fertile in human reproductive organs?

No, they have a different amount of chromosomes than we do.

What is the male polar bear called?

The male Polar bear is called Boars. A male polar bear can weigh as 2 to 3 as much as a female bear. Polar bears are good swimmers and can swim as much as 100 km in a single stretch.