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Q: A firefighter stands on the middle rung of the ladder he climbs up 10 steps to get to the top rung how many rungs does the ladder have?
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What does pov stand for when you're a firefighter?

POV stands for Personally Owned Vehicle

What does one refer to when speaking about ladder stands?

It is best to get the opinion from a hardware store, there they can help you with the correct item based on your needs. There are a variety of ladder stands on the market and it is best to have a look instore at the variety.

How does the Red Panda protect itself in the wild?

it usally climbs to escape but if it cant then it stands and uses its sharp claws to keep it away

What does the T mean in Booker T Washington?

It stands for his middle name, Taliaferro.

Person stands at the middle point of a wooden ladder which starts slipping between a vertical wall and the floor of a room Why is the path traced by a person standing at the middle of ladder circular?

Suppose the wall is represented by the y-axis and the ground as the x-axis. Let the position of the man be given by M = (x, y). Then, since M is the midpoint of the ladder, the base of the ladder is at A = (2x, 0). also, the point where it touches the wall is B = (0, 2y). Now, AB is the length of the ladder so AB = constant. Using Pythagoras's theorem, (2x - 0)2 + (0 - 2y)2 = c (2x - 0)2 + (2y - 0)2 = c This is the equation of [a quadrant of] a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius = sqrt(c).

What stands for the B in Susan B Anthony?

The "B" stands for Brownell, her middle name.

What stands in the middle of the globe?

a disco ball

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His middle initial stands for Bird!

What is am stands for?

am, stands for the "I" form of the verb, "to be". or if you are looking for the time, it stands for "ante meridian" or in English "before the middle (of the day)" If you are perverted, I will not even answer that question...

A ladder leaning against a wall makes a 60 degree angle with the ground When is it more likely to slip when a person stands on the ladder near the top or near the bottom Explain?

near the bottom.because the net force is equal to zero

What is Michigan J Frog's middle name?

it stands for jay

What does MB stand for in volleyball?

mb stands for middle blocker.