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Q: A fossil fuel created from plant deposits million of years ago?
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Fossil fuel created from plant deposits?

Coal, maybe?

Why is coal a fossil fuel-?

it is made from once living things when the pangea on the earth moved away

Does the fossil record support the idea of evolution or the idea that God created each kind of plant and animal individually?

The Fossil Record supports the idea that God created each kind of plant and animal individually. The Fossil Record does not offer any evidence for evolution, because it reveals that God created insects, plants, humans and other living organisms.

What is plant fossils?

a plant that is a fossil

Is an imprint a fossil?

Yes an imprint is considered a fossil if it was created by life and the animal/plant/fungi in question is no longer alive. It is generally assumed that only if it is very old it is a fossil but technically this is not so.

How does carbon get inside fossil fuels?

At some point before the fossil became a fossil, a plant removed carbon from the air (carbon dioxide) and it became part of the plant that became a fossil.

Does a plant contain a fossil?


Where do fossil fule come from?

fossil fuels are from prehistoric plant and animals

What is the defeniton of a fossil fuel power plant?

A fossil fuel power plant is a system of devices for the conversion of fossil fuel energy to mechanical work or electric energy

How does a power plant transform energy in fossil fuels to electrical energy?

steps for power plant transform fossil fuels

What could you conclued if you found a fossil of a tripocal plant in a cold climate?

what could you conclued if you found a fossil of a tripocal plant in a cold climate

A paleotologist finds a plant fossil that shows that the plant had seeds what can the paleontologist conclude?

It Was A Land Plant