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Q: A fracture treatment in which pins or a plate are placed directly into the bone to hold the broken pieces in place is known as?
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What happens if you get a communuted fracture?

In a Comminuted fracture, the bone is broken into three or more pieces.

What is the Difference between a break and a fracture in a human bone?

Definition: A fracture is a broken bone. A broken bone is a fracture. While many people believe that a fracture is a "hairline break," or a certain type of broken bone, this is not true. A fracture and a broken bone are the same thing! Both of these words mean that the normal bone architecture has been disrupted. This does not imply a certain type of treatment, but in general, bones heal best when immobilized. Medical personnel describe fractures in the following ways:* A complete fracture is when the bone has broken into two pieces.* A greenstick fracture is when the bone cracks on one side only, not all the way through.* A single fracture is when the bone is broken in one place.* A comminuted fracture is when the bone is broken into more than two pieces or crushed.* A bowing fracture, which only happens in kids, is when the bone bends but doesn't break.* An open fracture is when the bone is sticking through theskin.

What type of fracture is a bone broken into three or more pieces?


Is Silicon Fracture or Cleavage?

its fracture because fracture is when a mineral l breaks , it is all uneven . when it is cleavage , its flat broken pieces so this is definitely fracture

What is a break in the bone without penetration of the skin surface over the fracture site?

Closed fracture. If the bone is crushed or broken in multiple pieces, a comminuted fracture.

Is broken glass an example of cleavage or a fracture?

yes because it splits in half or pieces.

What does the body do after fracture repair?

Once the procedure for fracture repair is completed, the body begins to produce new tissue to bridge the fracture site and rejoin the broken pieces

What is a numerous breaks in a bone?

A comminuted fracture is a broken bone that is in more than two pieces.

What is a Simple linear fracture to the coccyx?

The coccyx is broken in two pieces along a straight line

What type of fracture is a fracture in which the bone is crushed?

Well there is the simple description 'Crush Fracture'. One might also refer to it as a comminuted fracture, meaning the bone is broken into two or more pieces, and add the prefix open or closed, denoting whether the bone is visible through a wound.

What does the prefix fract mean?

It means broken up, like, in pieces. Examples: fracture, fractal, fraction.

What is a comminuted compound fracture?

Comminuted fractures have two or more fragments broken into small pieces, in addition to the upper and lower halves of a fractured bone