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The guy next to me is <------ NOAH! and then theres Gaby in front of me. and brandon diangnle from me.

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Q: A girl and a guy develop a relationship at the age of fourteen the girl tells the guy she wants to be friends she likes the guy again and the guy is willing to try it out what does the guy do?
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What if you want to be more than friends with him?

have you tried asking him out? this mostly works. if you have feelings for him chances are he has feelings for you. but are you willing to risk your relationship with this guy?

How do i know if a friendship is really a romantic friendship?

Ask yourself these questions: Do I like this person? Am I willing to be in a romantic relationship with this person? If so, is that person possibly willing to be in a romantic relationship with me? And then ask the other person the following question: Are we just friends, or are we something more? If the answer is something more than you will know that it is not a friendship, it is a romantic relationship

How can you have a relationship when the girl's friends are getting involved and annoying?

Talk to them about what you are feeling because of this invasion into your privacy. Try to work something out. You need to tell your girlfriend that either she tells her friends to butt out of your relationship, or you will. Your relationship is between you and her, not you, her and her friends. If your girlfriend is not willing to tell her friends that they need to butt out, then that should speak volumes to you as to what you need to do. Do you really want to be in a relationship with someone who allows her friends to get in the middle of your relationship? But, to be fair to her, and look at the other possibilities, what is it about you or the relationship that makes her friends feel they need to get involved? Do you treat her in an abusive manner? Do you cheat on her? Do you try to monopolize her time and get jealous or upset if she spends time with her friends? If you answer these questions honestly, and can honestly answer "yes" to any of them, then you have to admit it's natural for friends to care how another friend is being treated, and change your treatment of your girlfriend.

Im a completely straight guy but open-minded and willing to be in a relationship with a guy but my friends just dont get it no matter what i say what can i do to prove im really not bi?

there is such thing as to much open minded. if your willing to be in a relationship with another man you are bi. but if you've changed your mind now and don't want to be in a relationship with a guy then tell them that and they might believe you.

How do i tell a boy i fancy them when we have been friends for 5 years?

I told one of my guy friends that I liked him, and he said he like me to. We went out a whole year and a half. But then we broke up and we never ever talk. I wish i didn't tell him. It all depends on if you think your relationship will work or not. if you are willing to risk your friendship for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship go for it. I told one of my guy friends that I liked him, and he said he like me to. We went out a whole year and a half. But then we broke up and we never ever talk. I wish i didn't tell him. It all depends on if you think your relationship will work or not. if you are willing to risk your friendship for a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship go for it.

Could you be friends with a guy forever?

Some friendships last for a life time, no matter if its with a guy or girl. It all depends on how hard you are willing to work to keep your relationship with that person.

Is it a good decision to be in a relationship or marry someone who has an insanity history of their family?

To be in a relationship, or even marry someone who has a history of mental illness in the family, can be a hard decision. One must realize that the person they are interested in may or may not develop the illness. It depends on what a person is willing to deal with.

How do you get the attention of your girlfriend from her friends?

well first you have to ask yourself is that really the problem...if it is then talk to her tell that you feel that her friends have been coming first in your relationship and you are troubled by it...say that your not asking her to give up her friends because you know how important they are to her but you feel as though your relationship is suffering because it...then try and meet her half way...spend time with her and her friends but also you two need time alone together to let your relationship grow...If she is not willing to compromise on this then... maybe its time to move on and meet someone who is more into you then their friends... I hope this helps and I wish you luck D.

Iam a guy and I like a guy and he told me he likes me too we are best friends and i dont want to ruin the friendship i am willing to take it to a relationship but i dnt think he is. What should i do?

you should talk to him about it. say something like. "i want to take our relationship to the next step, but if things dont work out, i still want to be friends" good luck:)))

Are horses willing to please you?

It is certainly possible to develop a friendly relationship with a horse, if you know what you are doing. I would not, however, say that all horses are willing to please you. It depends upon the quality of their training.It's not just the training aspect of whether a horse is willing to please you or not, it's more the relationship that is developed between you and that horse. If there is a bond of trust, leadership (you being the leader), respect and even love, then that horse will indeed be more than willing to please you. If, however, you do not have a 110% trust level, little to no respect, and the question of who's leader is being fought over by you and your horse, you can bet that your horse will do anything but be willing to please you.

Will any girl tell about her x relationship?

Only if the guy is willing to tell her about his y relationship.

My boyfriend spends too much time with his friends?

Try talking to him concerning how this makes you feel and see if you can't come to an agreement that you can have time with him as well as he has his time with his friends which is when you spend time with your or doing what interests you. There has to be a compromise and if he not willing to do that then maybe you are going to have to rethink your relationship.