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That depends. If she's yelling and screaming during the argument, She probably doesn't like you. But if she is using witty remarks, and keeps cool, she probably likes. you.

DOESN'T LIKE YOU she yells and screams, and goes off in a huff

LIKES YOU she keeps calm and collected, maybe smile while you're arguing. she uses witty retorts and admits when she's lost.

Note: there is a chance that she just likes you as a friend.

thanks for answering,

but its been over Myspace so i really cant tell if she is really yelling at me. also before that i noticed she would come up to me kinda of with nervousness.also when i was hanging out with this other girl she would seem to get mad at me. .

lao she wrote in my yearbook this message(its only part of it):"your going to change someone's life one day i just have that feeling about you". that is the best thing anyone has ever wrote and thought of me like that or even said that

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Q: A girl and i were arguing over every little thing from OCT to FEB and i don't know Why. i think its because she likes me. because she would stare at me?
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