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Lack of Iodine. That's why they invented Iodized salt. It was quite common before that.

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Q: A goiter may form as a consequence of an inadequate intake of?
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Difference between endemic and colloidal goiter?

Hyperthyroid goiter: If the amount of stimulating hormone is excessive, the thyroid will both enlarge and secrete too much thyroxin. The result--hyperthyroidism with a goiter. Graves' disease is the most common form of this disorder. the level of thyroid hormone is High. Euthyroid goiter: The thyroid is the only organ in the body to use iodine. If dietary iodine is slightly inadequate, too little thyroxin will be secreted, and the pituitary will sense the deficiency and produce more TSH. The thyroid gland will enlarge enough to make sufficient thyroxin. This form of goiter does not alter thyroid function in any significant way (colloid goiter). the level of thyroid hormone is Normal.

What is a Nodular goiter?

An enlargement of the thyroid (goiter) caused when groups of cells collect to form nodules.

Why would there be No bowel movement but stomach is not hard?

Inadequate intake to currently form feces - ie liquid diet; or, is becoming impacted but not to extent of symptoms; or, ... etc.

Inadequate iodine in the diet may lead to?

When you are Iodine deficient, a goiter may form. A goiter is just your Thyroid gland, that has become enlarged due to this deficiency. Goiters can be small and unnoticable and may cause the patient little to no side effects. They can also become fairly large and could possibly hinder breathing or swallowing.

What is the medical term meaning goiter?

If the amount of stimulating hormone is excessive, the thyroid will both enlarge and secrete too much thyroxin. The result--hyperthyroidism with a goiter. Graves' disease is the most common form of this disorder.

What is the classification of stunting?

Stunting is classified as a form of malnutrition that results from prolonged inadequate nutrient intake and recurrent infections during early childhood. It is characterized by impaired growth and development, leading to low height for age.

What is the disease goitre?

A Goiter is a a swelling or enlargement of the Thyroid Gland.A goiter is a growth on the body that can be either cancerous or benign. Goiters form due to a strong concentration of cells under the skin.

Is consequence an adjective?

No, it is not. Consequence is a noun (a result, or outcome of an action). One related adjective form is consequential.

What is Kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor is a form of malnutrition caused by inadequate(not enough) protein intake in the presence of fair to good energy (total calories) intake. Kwashiorkor is a condition of malnutrition characterized by a swollen belly. Kwashiorkor is severe protein malnutrition, especially in children. It is more common in impoverished parts of Africa and Asia than anywhere else.

What part of speech is poorly?

Poorly can be an adjective and an adverb. The adjective form means unwell. The adverb form means inadequate.

What is the noun form of consequence?

The word 'consequence' IS a noun; a word for a result or effect of an action or condition; a word for importance or relevance; a word for a thing.

What hormone causes goiters?

Goiter is an enlargement of the thyroid gland, located in the neck. Simple goiter is caused by too little iodine which is available in the hormone thyroxine. Toxic goiter, on the other hand, is caused by exactly the opposite condition, overproduction of thyroxine. Oddly enough, both can often be treated by the administration of iodine in one form or another.