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Q: A group of myelinated fiber may form a region of nerve tissue called?
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What is non-myelinated nerve fiber?

a nerve fiber that lacks the fatty myelin insulating sheath. Such fibers form the gray matter of the nervous system, as distinguished from the white matter of myelinated fibers. Also called nonmedullated nerve fiber.

Would conduction speed of a nerve fiber be the fastest in a large or small myelinated fiber?

Yes. Myelinated fibers have a myelin sheath around them which keeps the impulse from scattering and on a direct path. This makes the impulse travel faster than unmyelinated fibers.

Does an unmyelinated fiber conduct impulses faster than a myelinated fiber?


What is the difference in transmission between myelinated and unmyelinated fibers?

Impulse transmission on an unmyelinated nerve fiber is much slower than the impulse transmission on a myelinated nerve fiber.

COnduction speed of a nerve fiber would be the fastest in a? a myelinated axon.

What is the term for a Smaller fiber in a muscle fiber?

The smaller fiber in a muscle fiber is called a myofibril. A band of tissue that connects bone to bone is called a ligament.

The speed of nerve impulse transmission through the axon of a sensory neuron will be quickest in?

I'm guessing; "myelinated nerve fibres" contrary to the much slower "non-myelinated nerve fibres"

Each muscle fiber has a sleeve of connective tissue around it called?


What is the connective tissue covering called that encloses the sarcolemma of an individual muscle fiber?


What is the neurilemma and what is it function?

the plasma membrane surrounding a Schwann cell of a myelinated nerve fiber and separating layers of myelin

What is the connective tissue layer called that is around the muscle fibers?

Muscle fiber is another name for muscle cell. And each one is wrapped in connective tissue that is called endomysium.

Mechanism of nerve conduction?

Nerve impulses are conducted along the axon in the myelinated nerve fiber with causes the polarity of the nerve.